For what its worth, I wholeheartedly disagree.
This country has the highest level of divorce in Euorpe and the 4th highest rate in the world….we also have
The highest number of single parent families in Europe
The highest number of people living on their own in Europe
The highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe
The highest number of abortions on Europe.
Wonder why we have some many anti social issues? Not really…
We live in a society where, for many, commitment lasts just about as long as its takes to watch an episode of Eastenders.
Children brought in up in a stable relationship, that is almost invariably underpinnned by marriage as a symbol of genuine commitment to each other, where the needs of the children are always paramount and in an environment in which they learn values, respect, integrity, morals and humility will benefit them and society as a whole.
Unfortunately we don’t live in that environment and so this country, in many places, is fecked well and truly.
My view :?