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  • #3585

    chick chick chick chick chicken
    lay a little egg for me
    chick chick chick chick chicken
    I want one for my tea
    I haven’t had an egg since Easter
    and now it’s half past three
    So chick chick chick chick chicken
    lay a little egg for me

    and why not? :lol: :)


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Hey don’t laugh, it’s no fun being an egg.

    You only get laid once and takes ages to get hard :(


    lmfao….. ohhh the master piece…. its eggxellent… its a good yolk…


    Its easter time, the lambs are out…
    the daffodills are hard to count…
    the shopkeepers tills are mounting…
    the chocolate is in pools of fountains…
    my breast are like heaving mountains…( soz all i could rhyme lol )


    almost makes one want to come out of their shell….ahem :(


    lol don’t rivet im Crackin up ….. im ‘ shell’shocked….


    now don’t take the micky out of him….. everybody knows that to make an omelette you have to crack a few eggs :?


    egghead :lol: :wink:


    :lol: Very funny :roll: :twisted:

    I try to write a poem
    on the classic thread of arts
    I struggle to find a theme
    and then I think “Oh yes!! Hen’s farts”
    I scribble down my thoughts
    I admit mostly in haste
    But like all good plagiarists
    I end up doing copy and paste (egg….geddit)

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