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    Alan Turing, was ordered by a Court to undergo chemical castration or hormone treatment that was supposed to suppress his sexual urges.”

    His only crime was to be a gay man.

    No doubt he saved millions of lives during the second world war and he can perhaps be considered to be the father of computing.

    But despite this, he was hounded and prosecuted for his homosexuality.

    Sixty years on, how times have changed!

    These days chemical castration is considered too immoral or unethical for even for the most vilest paedophiles or serial rapists.

    Should chemical castration be given to the likes of Roy Whiting and Robert Black or is it inhumane and a breech of their human rights?


    If someone is prepared to totally wreck a person’s life or go as far as to kill them then I think they should receive the same treatment that they dish out……..I hate the thought of my taxes being used to pay for the board and lodgings of these vile people in HM establishments.


    I am not 100% sure of these facts, but I read somewhere a while ago that chemical castration doesn’t stop the desire to act, but only the ability. People who are chemically castrated have the potential to carry out crimes of a far worse nature as a result.

    I am sure there was a whole lot of stuff about this in a book by Ann Rice called Castrati. They used to castrate young men before their voices broke so that they could sing women’s parts in operas in Italy years ago. I can’t remember the specifics but I am sure that it didn’t prevent them from having sex, but it did cause them to end up completely screwed up and some of them were very very unpleasant as a result.



    Should chemical castration be given to the likes of Roy Whiting and Robert Black or is it inhumane and a breech of their human rights? -Panda

    Yes to the first bit and feck the second bit!

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