Slayer… didnae know where u name came fae… but i didnae relate it to angel or buffy either… i bet u have had a few.. ohhh u into buffy n angel lol.. like i got lol
ohhh snuggs u a poshy then lol… Matilda.. Henrietta florance …?? lol
First time we ever chatted I asked if he was a Buffy fan :oops:
Many years ago I had a junkie friend who’s surname was Cash, and being a
junkie he was always borrowing money. We used to joke about if he had
been named Owen (Owing) Cash. Hence my name here. :wink:
During my last steamy relationship, (I can just about remember it), we used
to text a lot and sign off with names like…
Dan Gling
Lucy Lastic
Mick Oxard
Ophelia Urbitz
Ben Dover
Tanya Hyde
Rock Wood :lol:
Des Perado :oops: