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  • #17001

    Ok… I have discovered the secret of succesful chatting… apparently there are some simple rules… first…. you must always lie… especially about your age also you have to have a sexy name so teapot is a definite no… also I have to use bad language especially feckin and koont… a lot… and tell people often how hot I am…

    My new name is Lady SS (the SS stands for seriously sexy, in case you wondered, ok no laughing)

    Im 35 years old (coughs) and dont any of you koonts feckin argue with me cos Im smokin (apparently that means Im hot :shock: )

    I might have to practise a bit to get the hang of it… but you get my drift

    So whats your secrets for succesful chatting and posting.. all advice gratefully received :D


    Guess my name is boring too Mrs T…before I got my OBE I was just even plainer Kent f then an age at the time….the OBE was for fun….not for sexual prowess :lol:
    I don’t think I am an exciting chatter or poster…pretty run of the mill and probably boring to most…a regular poster nevertheless…….ooooh I do swear (quite alot :oops: )…not very sexy either but I don’t give a fuck :D


    my name is cosy,cos thats been my nickname for ever
    im gr8 in bed
    and my kok is 9 and a qrt inches erect
    im 6ft,tall agile and strong
    deal with it


    lol great post Mrs_Teapot

    I have no idea about how to successfully chat and post but for a quiet life I am just myself and always have a glass of red in hand. The red is often more sipped than the need to type lol


    pmsl mr t i belived you till you said ur age :P :wink:


    oppps mrs :lol:


    im a real life kooont
    so naturaly women drop at my feet
    i might change my name to big fat bald kooont
    should slow the demand down 8)


    and also a good thing to say
    you need to get a life

    usually said by some one who lives in here 24 7and follows every move you make be it on the boards in the room or in real life
    also its good to text and ring your cronnies to further discuss the person you said should get alife
    also ring up and abuse the same person cus they said some thing you dont like about your mate
    if you live in essex and have brought your daughter to chat or you live in a tower block in wolverhampton these area allalso signs of a quaility chatter
    imaginary boy friends are good too



    @dennis-the-menace wrote:

    pmsl mr t i belived you till you said ur age :P :wink:

    Koont :D :D :D

    (makes a mental note to apologise in PM later :D )


    ok another rule of chatting so I have been told is I must never be sweet to people… thats a definite no its better to abuse as that earns respect…so its OK to say… you are a fookin psycho kuntage with balls for brains…. now that really means you like someone

    ….oh and you have to lie about everything… if you meet someone for coffee it really means you had a mad passionate affair… ooops sorry I meant to say you fecked her brains out,,. see…. Im getting the hang of this now

    Goes off to practise for a bit

    :D :D :D

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