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  • #1069951

    Errr where in that did I say you cannot post?

    I simply asked what will happen when the registered regular abusers return to chat as they are doing, and they start on the other registered regulars? Wasnt hard to understand.

    AND .. your comments have no affect on me at all, you can post what you like, where you like, whenever you like, I was merely asking a simple question. :mail:   :wacko:   :unsure:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Dixie.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Dixie.

    have to say, room was brilliant last night, no trolling, no arguments. I’m sure arguments will occur between registered users, it wont all be sweetness and light as people don’t all agree and get along, however , some guests were lovely, good fun and nice chatters, as Secret Unicorn said in an earlier post, it only takes a few morons, taking advantage of the anonymity to spoil it. That being said, how can it be a fair vote when guests can’t vote ? ? Some don’t want to register as they are distrustful of giving details to the ‘system’.

    I think it would be a good idea to let guests continue to come in, but have a room, as part of F3, that is registered users only, that way if you want to converse with the guests that you like you can, if it starts getting  shitty you have the option of going to a room where no guests are allowed.   Just a thought …..


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    So people can post their views of the “excluding guests from F3” trial here.

    Except … you have to be registered to share your opinion. So the guests themselves don’t get a say in what happens.

    Isn’t that a bit like speaking to a room of armless people and saying

    “We’re going to shoot all armless people tomorrow morning. Anyone against please raise your hand”???

    I think it’s sad that all guests are banned because of the behaviour of a small number of others (who are probably also registered users) and because there are not enough guides. Some of the names are often abusive as well, so that problem will remain.

    Why not deal with the troublemakers and leave the decent guests alone?

    Mooosey’s idea looks like a good one to me.

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    Hang on a minute Mr……some of us have been here long enough to know shite from shite…..I must have missed something because I don’t know who are the victims of bullying here on the boards…we can all fight our own battles Did you have a good holiday? B-)

    I was just making a point about bullying and victimisation, which isn’t going to be ended by this move, as a number of people such as moosie have pointed out.

    I really don’t think we can all fight our battles, here or in life. We need help. I know you’re a tough cookie, Ms K, and that you can fight your battles without bullying anyone. But sometimes life (not jc, to my knowledge) can prove too much for you, and you need help. If you don’t get help, then you get hurt pretty bad and you need to withdraw from people for a while. But you’re tough. Drac is another toughie who’s had to endure a lot and has fought back.

    But we’re not all the same. Some are more vulnerable than others. here, in jc, f someone is hurt, there’s no harm in rallying around them, and certainly none in pointing out the existence of the ignore button. The ignore button works for the vulnerable as well as the toughies but sometimes it has to be stressed to them that they can defend themselves with it.

    I never found the number people to be a big problem. I asked them who they were if they sought to get at me, and if they didn’t answer I laughed them off.

    My holiday was fine, thank you for asking :heart:


    I wouldn’t like personal info about myself put on boards, however vague, by a ‘friend’ …….

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    Stand strongly behind you here in this statement.

    However,in a similar situation, which I found this to happen personally, can not fault the person in which things were disclosed. It was an action taken to protect me against constant bully attacks..standing by me in a state in which person not in full form at the time, lost control. I hold no malice for the slip for that action taken in error. For even if some needed safe protocol. I am very proud of the hard work I do. Am not ashamed of it here, Nor there if any truly familar. It is in my opinion better to love thy neighbor even with faults, rather than dislike some one who tried to do more of a favor to help, than aim to hurt… was an honest mistaken. Forgiveness up to me, Which provided, and we moved forward and continue to do daily. ….


    I doubt its a coincidence that some registered users have suddenly appeared now that they cant log in as a guest :-)

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    Hang on a minute Mr……some of us have been here long enough to know shite from shite…..I must have missed something because I don’t know who are the victims of bullying here on the boards…we can all fight our own battles Did you have a good holiday? B-)

    I was just making a point about bullying and victimisation, which isn’t going to be ended by this move, as a number of people such as moosie have pointed out. I really don’t think we can all fight our battles, here or in life. We need help. I know you’re a tough cookie, Ms K, and that you can fight your battles without bullying anyone. But sometimes life (not jc, to my knowledge) can prove too much for you, and you need help. If you don’t get help, then you get hurt pretty bad and you need to withdraw from people for a while. But you’re tough. Drac is another toughie who’s had to endure a lot and has fought back. But we’re not all the same. Some are more vulnerable than others. here, in jc, f someone is hurt, there’s no harm in rallying around them, and certainly none in pointing out the existence of the ignore button. The ignore button works for the vulnerable as well as the toughies but sometimes it has to be stressed to them that they can defend themselves with it. I never found the number people to be a big problem. I asked them who they were if they sought to get at me, and if they didn’t answer I laughed them off. My holiday was fine, thank you for asking :heart:

    Fair enough Scep I understand your points…..but look what Linda did..the poor victim of bullying…..all I said was she posts shite….and how nasty was she back? I said what I thought months ago and have never addressed her posts but she couldn’t hack a simple comment without being nasty…..poor thing :cry:

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    Kent..Months ago, very new. If u recall, was constantly attacked, never a dull moment ever..many people agreed with u I talked shite. WHY, cause was never understood. U made it loud and clear to avoid me. End of story. Told people publicly not to bother with me. U were the loudest of the many…

    I left you alone. U said something yesterday, was not aware of. Just started in those areas what maybe a month. I have always stayed away from u. I know those areas shoot move so fast I can keep up some times. I went into them yesterday, actually asked people if u around. Was told not. I offered what say now..I felt bad if I was not supportive of u and was nearby and well..I would have certainly, do not recall what exact incident it went in trying to make peace so to speak..well some one mentioned me looking for u. And what name did I call u, as you moved first assuming and called me.
    I can not do these petty cat fights, u made me defensive again. So since ur friends say your nice and I listened to them, and shared my problem as wanting to try to work things out, others said give u some time…

    But frankly this is in ur ball court. I would stand by any one in need. Was so new to this stuff so overwhelmed, and a lot of bullying. But have grown few months now, learned from new and old advice. I healed much more better in which needed to renew, learn..but enough, as this is all shit isn’t it…

    Let us just move forward. Me to the east u to the west..

    Have good day


    Kent..Months ago, very new. If u recall, was constantly attacked, never a dull moment ever..many people agreed with u I talked shite. WHY, cause was never understood. U made it loud and clear to avoid me. End of story. Told people publicly not to bother with me. 

    Find the post and put it up here for all to see….because I have NEVER told anyone not to bother with you….and what makes you think if I did that anyone would listen and do as I asked? Jesus Christ….get a grip woman…..everything after that paragraph I cannot understand……go play the innocent card elsewhere

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