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  • #1070058

    Ms K, I see your point about Linda’s reaction, but usually (and certainly in this case) I try not to get involved with issues between women; a mere man can get his fingers bitten badly. Linda seems to have answered this, but who am I to say?

    Linda, could I say that you write in the form of a long telegram, the sort that used to be sent in the past. Or maybe it’s in the form used by tweeters?? I was once told at an educational conference that we older-fashioned  people just can’t understand the way young people are using texts now. and we poor brits find it hard to to follow. We old-fashioned types use English sentences. As a result we don’t fully understand you, and some can have a go at you as a result of their frustration. Does that help? Or have i got it wrong *hides

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    Seems that everyone is going off topic “Chat Forum Three: Registered Members Only”

    Simple solution make forum 1 guests only, forum 2 guests and registered members and forum 3 registered only. This will cover all situations. Should any registered member break the rules then their registered membership should be withdrawn.

    They might re-register though this will cost them to do so. If it costs them every time to re-register then they will soon stop breaking rules.

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    It is my hope and pray that this response directed to you, will not be tarnished in which the effect will result in not so nice comments directed at you. So in advance apology, if this may happen..

    For 30 plus years my careers have required thorough skilled writing from me. No mistakes allowed, no missing information, History/service plan, top notch so to speak. No errors because of legal, lawful rules applications. Hope to god makes sense

    Coming into JC, I repeatedly told people new to this stuff. You are absolutely correct lingo was so new for me, as well as expressions, conflicting often with mind..not understood all the time most often took time to try to explain. Yep wordy at times. Only did this to try to make people understand me better. People were as frustrated with me as I Them…mine more learning, others saw it to being a joke, lies, so forth. So trying to make better, Yes indeed made it worse trying so hard to let those understand my English language/writing.
    This was the barrier which rather stalled me. Then help me fit better in with language here.

    Ha ha..was this long…../wordy……

    Did try to make first move after these months to give Kent and I perhaps another chance. It failed…


    Ms K is one of the good ones here, but we can’t get on with everyone, Linda.

    Seems that everyone is going off topic “Chat Forum Three: Registered Members Only” Simple solution make forum 1 guests only, forum 2 guests and registered members and forum 3 registered only. This will cover all situations. Should any registered member break the rules then their registered membership should be withdrawn. They might re-register though this will cost them to do so. If it costs them every time to re-register then they will soon stop breaking rules.

    Hugs and Winks – ever since i came to jc in the Later Middle Ages, threads have quickly gone off topic, often heading into the wild and wonderful That was one of the glories of jc, and the vets here got used to it and handled it in their own way.

    Do you think Martin should delete any thread that goes off topic?

    Do you think that making f3 into a well-behaved little room will turn it into the Darby-and-Joan Club? Maybe that what it should be :unsure:   :unsure:   :unsure:

    *orders a supply of knitting needles and head-rests

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    Mooosey88 Stand strongly behind you here in this statement. However,in a similar situation, which I found this to happen personally, can not fault the person in which things were disclosed. It was an action taken to protect me against constant bully attacks..standing by me in a state in which person not in full form at the time, lost control. I hold no malice for the slip for that action taken in error. For even if some needed safe protocol. I am very proud of the hard work I do. Am not ashamed of it here, Nor there if any truly familar. It is in my opinion better to love thy neighbor even with faults, rather than dislike some one who tried to do more of a favor to help, than aim to hurt… was an honest mistaken. Forgiveness up to me, Which provided, and we moved forward and continue to do daily. ….

    Sorry Linda , I have no idea what you are talking about, my post was referring to Mr Sceps post to Kenty.

    Mr scep, I can assure you Linda’s style of typing is nothing like any ‘tweeters’ or infact any ‘ younger generation’ style. I have asked several younger people to try and read it and make sense of it, Not A Chance.

    Hugs and Winks….. It is not a simple solution at all !  I and would like it put down on boards for the record that I do not want to be apart of a lynch mob, where only registered users get a say in it.

    Lots of registered users registered before you had to pay, and therefore didn’t have to give in details of bank accounts etc, so them being all holier than thou and saying ‘ if you want a say in it register’ is slightly obtuse and hypocritical. Some guests joined a ‘free chatsite’ and made friends but do not wish to give ‘Martin’ bank details, some people just aren’t comfortable buying things online at all, so they shouldn’t be punished for that.

    Hugs, I DON’T WANT TO GO IN F1 OR F2 IF I WANT TO CHAT WITH A FRIEND WHO IS A GUEST. I have always chatted in F3, its more my generation, and the group of people I get on with, so this blanket, sweeping decision of yours isn’t ‘simple’ at all, infact if you can’t this that it is seriously flawed when it comes to ‘fairness’ I suggest you may be slightly simple !!

    Having a private room for registered users like the quiz room, would appease both registered users and non registered.


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    And may I add, surely people haven’t forgotten that there has always been a bloody good dollup of bitchiness from people well known to each other, people that dislike each other but can’t seem to use the ignore facility !  that won’t change, yes there are definitely registered users who like to come in as guests to stir up trouble or to have a go at others behind the comfort of anonymity, and that has become a problem, but without guests, once the novelty wears off, as previously stated, it won’t be all tea and scones and lolololol ….  It isn’t the answer to everything !!

    And I fear we will end up with the same 20 odd people ( no one in particular here ) discussing how their bloody leg fell off or what’s for tea next Wednesday, it will become dull as dishwater and eventually just dry up.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  mooosey88.

    Mooosey88 and all interested readers.

    Simply tired of finding any better reason to constantly explain my writings, so reduction will most likely come from here on in when in, to 3/4 lines.

    I do not live in ur Country. I do not understand all your jokes. Expressions for that matter either. I live, survive, work here. I am understood here..

    Mooosey, I did not see Kent stuff u said responding back to. Thought incident in which my profession in part exposed for public. Oops, suppose again my fault as usual.

    I really do not care how young I am or any of u,And
    What my shared meanings mean to others there if understood or not..

    On a personal note for better understanding and for those who did in fact understood what was said…..about my profession, and also repeated back in an earlier response back to scep…

    I work with all types of people and thru multiple agencies. Which simply means all ages. With all in any way in which basic life has impacted their own personal life. Abuse. Neglect, physical violence, suicide, mental health, drug addiction, substance abuse. All understand?

    My team and I go to schools in October for juniors and seniors community business day.
    We present programs designed by me to inform our youth about suicide, sex dates, date rape, every possible harm of abuses known out there which impact people’s life.
    For 3 days each school of assembly of 300 or more, My writings, my seminars are understood. Papers of mine delivered back for reference. Help centers. Discussions involve several of us. My people here understand my focus, my strong will and determinstion, helping others. Understand what wrote now. So if my down time here is confusing, sorry several several times have tried so hard.

    So, simply pass it by if not interested, stop attacking my good intentions simply meaning trying to chat.


    Well that made slightly more sense than some previous posts but, personally, I think she just likes the last word, subsequently and very frequently that kills threads off as no one can be bothered , A)  trying to decipher the meaning of the post

    B) replying, as its too much effort.

    Back to the thread about registered and non registered chatters please Linda.

    Not every thread is about you love.


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    I am sorry to hear your leg fell off mooosey, hoping they were able to stick it back on.

    I may move into the quiz room.  Its empty most of the time anyway.

    Some of us are starting to feel rather pushed out unwelcome and not comfortable in any of the room.

    JC has gone to the dogs.


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    A poem about Mooosey’s Lost Leg sounds promising

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