@pixie wrote:
Chat forum Host I declare I still did “nothing”, and as for your advice to “get” my “hamster to sign in for me and see if he can get banned also”!
Well for your information I did try this and thanx to you he is now sadly departed. As the poor little mite was struggling to spell his name on the keyboard he got over excited, as hamsters have a tendency to do when faced with items of a technical nature!!!
Now thanx to you chat forum Host, he is dead!
the poor creature had an “accident” causing the PC to short, thus giving him an electric shock, all 13 amps of one!
All I can say is, I hope you are happy with yourself Host! The vet did what he could, but………….
RIP Hammy :(
we’ve got a spare hamster at work……..do you wanna borrow it? :roll: