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4 April, 2008 at 4:53 pm #9794
Chat forum Host I declare I still did “nothing”, and as for your advice to “get” my “hamster to sign in for me and see if he can get banned also”!
Well for your information I did try this and thanx to you he is now sadly departed. As the poor little mite was struggling to spell his name on the keyboard he got over excited, as hamsters have a tendency to do when faced with items of a technical nature!!!
Now thanx to you chat forum Host, he is dead!
the poor creature had an “accident” causing the PC to short, thus giving him an electric shock, all 13 amps of one!
All I can say is, I hope you are happy with yourself Host! The vet did what he could, but………….RIP Hammy :(
4 April, 2008 at 5:08 pm #323109Pixie whilst I feel desperately sorry for dear old hammy, (RIP) can I request that if you intend to sue PB for hammys unfortunate demise, you give him advance warning so he can “get his excuses ready?” Thank you.
:wink: :lol:4 April, 2008 at 6:12 pm #323110Errrrrrrrr thank you for that pm pixie. :? :? :?
4 April, 2008 at 6:13 pm #323111oh do share Bat :P
4 April, 2008 at 6:17 pm #323112can i put forward a suggestion to the site staff?? When someone is banned (usually for nothing so it would seem :roll: ) could it please be made common practice for the ban to also extend to the boards!? That way, the banned for “no reason” brigade cant come on here and moan and moan and MOAN about it until someone finally gives in and lifts the ban. In fact why not start with Pixie?? she can be the hamster ermm i mean guinea pig :P
4 April, 2008 at 6:23 pm #323113@~Pebbles~ wrote:
can i put forward a suggestion to the site staff?? When someone is banned (usually for nothing so it would seem :roll: ) could it please be made common practice for the ban to also extend to the boards!? That way, the banned for “no reason” brigade cant come on here and moan and moan and MOAN about it until someone finally gives in and lifts the ban. In fact why not start with Pixie?? she can be the hamster ermm i mean guinea pig :P
Along with the
“Im leaving” brigade..
Leaving where exactly??!!
4 April, 2008 at 6:31 pm #323114@~Pebbles~ wrote:
can i put forward a suggestion to the site staff?? When someone is banned (usually for nothing so it would seem :roll: ) could it please be made common practice for the ban to also extend to the boards!? That way, the banned for “no reason” brigade cant come on here and moan and moan and MOAN about it until someone finally gives in and lifts the ban. In fact why not start with Pixie?? she can be the hamster ermm i mean guinea pig :P
That,s a good idea pebbles in theory, but, as with the great sweaty clackers fiasco if you remember, half the fun of that, (apart from when I booted him) was taking the piss out of him afterwards. Let them come on here and moan and moan and moan. Nettys ban lasted roughly 3 weeks if I remember correctly,so all his whinging didn,t get him let back in any quicker. And no one (apart from good old cath :wink: ) has any sympathy atall. They come on here and whinge and moan about the unfairness of it all and threaten to sue us etc etc and make themselves look like total prats in the process. I can just imagine the outcry from the sweaty clacker appreciation society if I,d banned him from the site as well as the rooms. There would have been petitions sent to the Prime Minister, candle lit vigils and prayers said, and everyone would have a printed T- Shirt with “free sweaty” on it. Nah, let em come on here and make themselves look like plonkers, it,s all good fun. Well I think it is anyway, and I can think of at least one A.N. Other who does too. (can,t imagine who that is) :lol: :lol: :lol:
4 April, 2008 at 6:40 pm #323115ahh yes the fun we had with sweaty bo.llocks :lol: :lol: :lol:
im in total agreement, a take is what is required here…now bat, why dont you post that private pm pixie so kindly sent to you, and let us take it from there :wink: :lol:
4 April, 2008 at 8:53 pm #323116My hamster has left house and now lives 20 miles away!!
5 April, 2008 at 6:43 am #323117To answer your question pixie, (though why you asked me twice I don,t know) I,m not ForumHostPB. I AM a ForumHost though just not that one. You won,t find me unless you look on the staff list. And thank you for your kind coments about my car. I like it too. Any more questions?
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