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  • #484512

    fgs is he still going on …. yawns


    To be fair …

    He’s only posted once on this thread!


    give it time boo lol


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    That dull .. that you felt the need to post it here , for all and sundry to see? :roll:

    Very interesting , considering i have no idea who Chameleon is , except for the fact i now am not sure who is the biggest pr att of you both.

    I would also like to add ( Once Again ! ) That if i have anything to say about Anyone here , or in the room .. i will say it HERE or in the ROOM in front of them to see.

    So firstly… Chameleon , who ever you are …… i for one haven’t a clue what you seem to think you have got from me . You obviously have a problem that is for sure.

    Secondly ………….. Dear Thin Ice .. I am sure Kenty will be delighted to see this post , as probably others will too …. Just goes to prove , once again …… what a little attenention seeker you are ….. I haven’t been in the room for about 5 days now , and apparently you still mention me in there ….. and even on here , the boards ! God you really are sooo funny! And the depths you will sink to , to get that attention knows no bounds at all , do they!

    I actually was very good and ignored the other posts you have mentioned my name on … but once again , i will not have things said about me here THAT ARE NOT TRUE. [-X

    erm im at a loss here
    am i missing some thing
    whats kenty got to do with this :?


    OK two questions.

    Who is Chameleon and who is Kay and why do i keep getting dragged in to your viciousness Thin?



    ask chameleon
    he was the one pm ing me about you

    and how long before you delete your question


    @thin ice wrote:

    ask chameleon
    he was the one pm ing me about you

    and how long before you delete your question

    If you bothered to read my post – i asked who he is? How can i ask him if i don’t know who it is? And having not spoken to anyone in PM i doubt any of what your saying is true (as usual).

    CBA with ya anymore.


    @gill_cambs wrote:

    @annette-curtain wrote:

    Oh Gill ! You have removed your post !

    Cheers ! :shock:

    I did Nette i just can’t be doing with him anymore. If we all stopped responding to his posts maybe just maybe he would have to give up and move on :wink:

    why not put it in to practice
    oh hard i know
    cus only yesterday despite you cant be doing with me any more you started a whole thread dedicated to me
    strange strange girl

    how is stevie 1


    THIN is a shyte stirring tw@t,so why rise to his bait,the guys an idiot


    Anyone else seeing that danger sign would of taken it in the jovial nature it was intended. :shock:

    I have not been in the chat this week and i did not respond to your deliberate attempt to goad me in your previous thread.

    People were only too happy to tell me about the crap you had been spouting about me all week.



    I spoke to Stevie1 back in April so your well out of date muppet!!!! Am flattered that your so jealous though!

    YOU started this thread mentioning all of us and now when we quite rightly defend ourselves we are the nutters!!!!

    Unbelievable :evil:

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