Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Cervical cancer injection for 12 year olds

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    Our mom brought me up scared sh ite less about sex lol if i did it b4 i was married god help me

    But never once say me down and told me about sex

    Pats has lernt me more in the 5 years iv known her lol

    But i talk to my daughter about every think

    Some times i do think im a bit over protective and wish mt oldest would go out instead of haveing all her m8s here

    But at least i no where they are and what thier up to

    Iv told my oldest sex aint dirty its a lovely thing between to people in love

    But its not all about sex making love its about having the respect of your body

    And thats what im trying to make them under stand the most


    Should smokers and alcoholics or people who have ignored previous medical advice be denied treatment? What about anorexics or very obese people? Or, with road accidents, should blame be established before the paramedics decide who to help first? What about sports injuries – especially from boxing – should the NHS pay for treatment of those?


    rite mary will order some of those to even to the cause of much embarassment but can i say ahem are they tried and tested i do worry thanks lol


    @vector wrote:

    rite mary will order some of those to even to the cause of much embarassment but can i say ahem are they tried and tested i do worry thanks lol

    lol im sure your daughter will thx u in the long run…


    @slayer wrote:

    :D Mary, pick away, I wouldnt expect everyone to agree with me :D

    You actually raise a good point- todays parents (n Ive got 4 kids) were the generation brought up in the 70’s and 80’s- if it falls to ALL parents (and there are some who see parenting as a lifelong job with no financial reward and will try to do their best for their kids), then we are doomed cos a large minority of parents wouldnt know how to talk to their kids let alone engage in meaningful discussions about sex, contraception, emotions and hormones!

    First Slayer, you have my condolences of the loss of your mother.

    I am one of three sisters. I am the only one that waited to have sex until after high school. We all had the same discussion with our mom, but just because we had “the talk” doesn’t mean that we all made the same decision. We are all individuals and my mother is a strict Roman Catholic. She taught morality and respect for ourselves, but her talks effected us differently. I just think you should give you children the tools to keep themselves healthy. Their lives are worth it. Inevitably, they will do what they want to do. And, you may never if what they are telling you they do is the truth or not.


    What they are not telling you is that the innoculation only prevents one of the three types of cervical cancer, and costs thousands per injection. And it can take more than one injection if given under certain age ( like 16 )



    I thought all the Obese people where in JC :lol:


    What an interesting thread

    Firstly I think the initial point was not only clearly and well made but also shows the contradictions within the NHS

    Some other things that sprung to mind were these

    Saying many parents are too embarassed to talk to their kids is yet another blind eye turning cop out, the real cause is piss poor half assed apathetic parenting, many parents today pretty much just let their kids grow up hoping for the best, theres little to no forethought, direction or imparted wisdom, ideology or consistency

    THATS why we have the “peer pressure” mantra, its a cop out for laziness and crappy “couldnt be bothered” liberal parenting styles same as ADD and ADHD often are

    Everyone whinges on about freedoms and rights but nobody wants to also take on the responsibilities that come with them

    Parenting is a skill learnt from exposure rather than actively passed on, and with several generations of piss poor limp wristed liberal parenting behind them many parents now dont have the first idea about how to raise kids and cant be bothered learning how to as their parents were crap as were theirs etc etc

    This “its ALWAYS someone ELSES fault” modern mindset is often seen surrounding parenting, when someones life sucks it was their parents fault, poor mental outlooks are linked to childhood, a crap student? The schools fault, the teachers fault etc etc and even on this actual thread a girl getting cervical cancer through sex……..? “the boys fault” lol

    What a friggin cop out THAT is, if the cock hopping little slut had kept her knickers on and said no it wouldnt happen would it?

    Who is the ONLY person responsible for HER bodily health? HER

    Who is the ONLY person who agreed to her taking part in the act? HER

    Yet magically the outdated revivalist feminist view that MEN have sex with WOMEN surfaces and “he” did it to her

    Yet were also supposed to buy into the view that girls mature quicker than boys, which were (I guess) supposed to overlook where sex is concerned seeing as that would make the girls not only more likely to want to be sexually active sooner than boys but would also make them the ones with the more mature outlook

    But ghast, shock horror, that would mean seeing women as being responsible for their own actions and decisions. We couldnt have that now could we lol :lol:

    As for men being the main cause, again not true, a vast majority of sexually transmitted diseases form initially in the females flappy bits and slime chute. its an intricate balance of natural bacterias that takes very little to upset its normal state and allow it to gestate a plethora of viruses, germs and bacterias

    So although men ARE quite acurately where a woman might catch HER virus from, he would in many cases have got it from another woman possibly the incubator for it

    Of course if the woman who caught it had said no, or at the very least said no wrapper means no entry into THIS slapper then she wouldnt have caught it would she?

    So as much as feminists and female pandering idiots would try to skip past the topic, ther is still the matter of personal responsibility here as with most things

    Maybe the government would have spent their money more wisely by showing all kids the pictures of what various gynaecological diseases look like when in full swing as many take on the look and appearance of flesh eating bacteria when fully active

    Because at the end of the day if no girls wanted to have sex then excluding rape no sex would be happening in that age group and lets face it, as far as the impact to a persons life is concerned having sex at an early age is a far more negative thing for a girl than a boy as an unwanted pregnancy, or even a wanted one for that matter pretty much puts a young womans life effectively on the scrap heap compared to what it COULD have been had she not got pregnant

    So rather than teaching them the “nothing is my fault” philosophy perhaps we should be teaching kids that every single one of their decisions IS their fault, that each one has a mass of “ram”ifications throughout their life and be teaching them to not only want rights and freedoms but to shoulder the responsibilities both social and personal that come with those rights and freedoms

    Personally I think all girls should if a method was made available be steralised with that only being reversed when they and their partner have taken basic parenting classes, have proven they realise the responsibilities involved in being a parent and that they have a reasonable relationship and ability to provide for a child both financially and emotionally

    Not only would that stop girls throwing their lives away on unwanted pregnancies, but I would also think it would go some of the way to reintroducing a better standard of parenting by virtue of most of the children then being not only wanted, but actively and deliberately planned as well as closing the loophole whereby poorly parented kids can at their whim go on to repeat the process themselves

    Hell, we have several tests in place before someone can drive a car, yet any retarded self absorbed idiotic numpty can become a parent

    Do we care more about who drives a car than who raises kids now then?


    @vector wrote:

    hi new here,i feel women are just as guilty in unprotected sex and i worry about my teenage daughter who has a latex allergy,are there other options

    now arn’t your daughter just 8 and 6.. soon to be 9 and 7….!! lies see what people believe about you now and stop Private messaging me….

    folks incase your wondering Vector is my ex… leave me be. the only reason I didnt get you charge was because of your girls .. imagine them growing up with a Father on the sex offenders Reg…!!!

    Sorry folks for my out burst…..


    f/ck you slapper

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