Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Cervical cancer injection for 12 year olds

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    yes sunny i agree with you,its like a game of russian roulette nowadays,stable relationship safest way,you can only advise your kids and hope they heed it


    @vector wrote:

    yes sunny i agree with you,its like a game of russian roulette nowadays,stable relationship safest way,you can only advise your kids and hope they heed it

    vector I don’t know if u saw my post on preivous page got a link for laytex-free condoms..


    checked that thanks says they are thinner rite enough and hope they offer the same protection and dont burst lol


    @vector wrote:

    checked that thanks says they are thinner rite enough and hope they offer the same protection and dont burst lol

    well she can use the female condom as well be like the Irish… to be sure to be sure lol plus she can go on the pill…. plus take the morning after pill…. but best telling her a sh ag aint all thats it cracked up to be espeically when your young,,,


    Part of my point was the individual responsibility (not just in cervical cancers) and how much, in a health service with a limited budget, do we accept that we can be unaccounatble for our actions in the knowledge that the NHS will at least try to cure us? And how much should the individual be liable for their actions- if the NHS wasnt free at source, and we had to pay for our treatment, perhaps we would change the way we behaved?

    Millions of people take a white stick out of a packet (on which there is a warning saying it can kill you) and smoke it- the majority of lung cancers are related to smoking yet we accept the NHS role in treating and curing where we possible those with lung cancer but this is an almost wholly preventable disease (again Mary, not ALL lung cancers are related to smoking but most are)

    And then when you stop and think, the list grows.

    And yes, I do know what its like to lose someone with cancer- Between Feb and April this year I watched my mum die of cancer and spent the last two days by her side as she chain stoked her way to a better place.

    It is interesting to note that many primary care trusts and hospital trusts now withold certain operations if the patient is considered clinically obese and the result of the operation would be nullified by the patients lifestyle.

    As for my other main point- PB picked it up. It has to start somewhere, the ascent from the moral abyss into which we have fallen, and by injecting teenage girls with something which they will be told prevents them from cervical cancers caused by the reasons I mentioned just seems to be the wrong end of the looking glass


    @vector wrote:

    hi new here,i feel women are just as guilty in unprotected sex and i worry about my teenage daughter who has a latex allergy,are there other options

    Vector, can I just say I genuinely had no idea this was even a problem and almost thought your post somewhat tongue in cheek til I read Mary’s reply.

    Goes to show you learn something new every day


    Slayer, I do get what your saying, I wasnt trying to be picky… sorry..

    Can you honestly say some of todays people will teach their kids about the facts of life, with sense… you just need to look at the number of young girls who look like they should be at school pushing the pram around, Im sure there parents didnt teach them the points of safe sex, Im actually glad Im not young again, as it would scare me to death, as its not just that person your having sex with, you have to think of the numerous parners they have previously been with…..


    :D Mary, pick away, I wouldnt expect everyone to agree with me :D

    You actually raise a good point- todays parents (n Ive got 4 kids) were the generation brought up in the 70’s and 80’s- if it falls to ALL parents (and there are some who see parenting as a lifelong job with no financial reward and will try to do their best for their kids), then we are doomed cos a large minority of parents wouldnt know how to talk to their kids let alone engage in meaningful discussions about sex, contraception, emotions and hormones!


    yes mary rite there sum people been with upteen people god knows who i abstain nowadays lol,slayer glad to enlighten you


    How did you discover you had a latex allergy? I assume before you needed to use one?!

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