I don’t really know about this ma
n, and I do try to be careful about judging people prematurely – apart from people in JC (is it still the rule to judge people in JC right away and as harshly as possible??). I even bent over backwards not to prematurely judge Jimmy Saville, a man I could never stand when everybody thought he should be made into a saint, though I feel a little bit foolish about that now.
Sara Keays, the ex-mistress, may well have been so obsessively nasty to Parkinson that he needed to defend himself. I don’t hold to the feminist credo that women can only do good, or are always victims, when it comes to relationships. I don’t know the full circumstances.
But I am making a point about relationships of fathers to children, and he’s gone so far towards protecting himself that he does seem to be downright cruel.
Dads are responsibe in some way for their children, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be