Boards Index › General discussion › Technical Q&A › CB Rig Advice (shout out to anyone in Cambridge area)
11 October, 2017 at 6:50 am #1074828
Years ago I used to be a CBer
I have a new rig but need a magmount ariel and a swarr meter.
Does anyone know:
A good magmount, a good swarr meter and how I actually swarr it in?
No good recommending a thunderbolt as I will be running it from my bedroom off an old metal biscuit tin.
I am quite ill atm and have moaned like a bitch about it all day yesterday and will probably moan about it all day today as well as apparantly – I’m a needy attentions seeking biartch. Obviously these allegations are unfounded but if anyone does live in the Cambridge area please drop me off some paracetamol toilet roll tampons and some multivitamins with iron cos i cant get asda delivery til Thursday and I also need someone to make me a cup of tea and stuff. See, have no idea why people call me needy or attention seeking. Had this very debate yesterday with my postman, not sure he was listening to me though as his bag looked really heavy and after half hour of me telling him how ill i am he started to look very tired and what was with the whole walking backwards thing? So rude, if he didnt want to get soaked in the rain he should have brought an umbrella.
Anyway I digress I went off topic probably because I am so poorly, I dont even know if there will be anyone out there as CB is so out of date.
Any help appreciated.
Sarah (the poorly with cold one, may be pheumonia)
11 October, 2017 at 7:36 am #1074831dunno if its any help sairs but my brother had a cb radio in 1987 my handle was flash Gordon btw I miss hearing the tales about a traffic woe on the a52 and lorry drivers love life storys
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11 October, 2017 at 7:43 am #1074832I thought they were rubbish and that was before the internet was about, my friend had one and all he seemed to do was talk to strangers with a strange code which anyone could break, like how many candles are you burning (what age are you), and crap like that lol
They never seemed to have a proper conversation, it was just people saying what’s your handle, can I join the interesting conversation etc etc :)
In saying all that, I hope you get all the things you need to get you setup, I can’t help you as know nothing about them. Hope you’re feeling better soon too, over and out ;)
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11 October, 2017 at 10:30 am #10748451 4 for a copy 1 4 for a copy…what’s your handle? LOL
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11 October, 2017 at 10:31 am #1074846Dam good film …Convoy…load of silly truckers in it. LOL
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11 October, 2017 at 10:38 am #1074847I did loads of that in the past Sarah but it’s mostly forgotten. All done on radio frequency and an ariel that pulls the side of your house down. LOL It was only truckers that really used it. It became cool for a while. It also become uncool …probably because too many were listening in to channels they shouldn’t like the police frequency. LOL
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11 October, 2017 at 11:00 am #107485611 October, 2017 at 11:02 am #1074859Oh it was loads of fun, we would all chat from our homes then sometimes go mobile with the ariel on top of the car an then meet at Alley Pally for eyeballs with people who sounded quite nice over the rig but mostly turn out to be a bit ew to look at when you met them.
I was Sapphire/Silver Mist my bloke who i met off there was Gary (Supersonic) my sister was Poison (cos of the perfume, urm yes thats why we called her that, Warlock, (nothing good to say about him) Loved John Big Red Devil who died of cancer at only 21, he was a lovely guy, Colin Bluestreak as he worked for British Gas and so many other characters. My brother was The President met his wife on there it was a whole little community of people chatting and having a laugh. A bit like how chatrooms like this one used to be but no one was nasty or bitchy. I think the odd names people had made it more fun and just hearing a strangers voice told you whether you wanted to chat to them or just give them a swerve. It would be 1 – 4 for a copy and all the lingo made it more fun. Didnt really actually speak to many truckers was more just local people in North London chatting and meeting up in car parks (no there was no dogging, was never anything manky going on and there was always a few of us driving around when we went on eyeballs) and it was just lots of fun and no one got murdered.
My theory is I will set it up and there will be no one out there. Guess I wont know til I get the rest of the equipment and set it up.
Think i have mad man bird swine flu and cow disease I’m that poorly.
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11 October, 2017 at 11:08 am #1074862Well that was the intention Sarah….meeting new people and people you already know and having a laugh. Although i’m sure that the truckers wasted far too much work time messing about on it for one thing which led to it’s stricter controls. LOL
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11 October, 2017 at 11:10 am #1074866eye ball eyeball…LOL
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