Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Cat In the Bin Thing

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    I abhor cruelty to animals, she even stroked it before shutting it in how sick! :x


    @HostLD wrote:

    I abhor cruelty to animals, she even stroked it before shutting it in how sick! :x

    I’m not an aggressive person but when it comes to animal cruelty I could quite easily dish out the same cruelty to the perpetrator as they do to the animal and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid or feel any guilt or remorse.

    I think this “woman” should be shoved in a wheelie bin and made to sit in her own shyte for 16 hours.

    Sadly though, it won’t happen – this “woman” is classed as human and has rights. I beg to differ.


    She actually checked up and down the road to make sure nobody was coming before she put the poor thing in the bin! There is no excuse. She cannot say she did it as a joke, it was definitely done with cruel deliberation. I hear the police have had to put her in protective custody.

    Has Youtube taken over as modern day stocks?


    @minim wrote:

    She actually checked up and down the road to make sure nobody was coming before she put the poor thing in the bin! There is no excuse. She cannot say she did it as a joke, it was definitely done with cruel deliberation. I hear the police have had to put her in protective custody.

    Has Youtube taken over as modern day stocks?

    It was the cat owners CCTV. They installed it due to vandalism so when they found their cat in the bin, they checked it and there it was!

    They decided to publish the footage in an attempt to identify the woman.

    What she did could so easily have resulted in the cat’s death – if the bin had been collected, it would have been loaded up onto the lorry, the cat chucked in and crushed.

    Hope she gets jailed and loses her job – bank workers have to be “fit and proper” people – this clearly shows she is not.


    Horrible old slag, hope she gets glassed in the face next time she goes out.


    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    Horrible old slag, hope she gets glassed in the face next time she goes out.

    I don’t condone that at all!

    Waste of time – won’t improve her looks.


    I think the woman must have had a moment of madness because apparently she is normally a cat lover. Apparently her father was very close to death at the moment she put the cat in the bin.

    I love cats, we have three of them, I would never as a rule defend anyone for harming a cat as a rule. Perhaps the woman should be made to spend a few hours in a wheelie bin to contemplate what she did and how to make sure she never does it again.

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