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13 June, 2007 at 5:29 pm #272060
Can someone please take a base ball bat to Charly’s head, and pound it repeatedly till there is no blood left in her opnoxious, annoying, whinging sack of bones :twisted:
13 June, 2007 at 9:56 pm #272061where do I start….. lmfao @ Chantelle in the diary room… where Charley opens her mooth is spills shyte lol that chantelle is growin on me like my farmer giles, she’s more bearable than Nikki fae BB7 as she was irratin like Farmer Giles…
now i can’t wait till everyone gets to vote, as you’ll find charley out, laura out6, seany out, gerry out,
charley well I bet her family are so very proud of her performance, she has a mooth like a sewer rat, Imtimidating, nasty, rude, aggressive, a major chip on her shoulder, no respect for elders, bi tchy, Vulgar, arognant, in love with herself, naming dropping manic, wannabe, SO UP HER OWN AR5E YOU CAN SMELL THE VERBAL DIAHORRIA OOZING….have I left anything out…???
Laura well very disppointed in her, I thought awe she’s sweet and lovely, snidy as, another family seeing what their delightfull daughter is capable of…
you know I hope my lass doesnt turn out most of those young girls as then I will of fail my family values honestly I would be disgraced and feel ashamed of what I created, I so glad my daughter has been a pleasure to have and take anywhere she is a credit to me so far,
Im actually glad to watch big brother now, as it should be shown as how not to bring up your children…!!! no wonder Lesley walked a Lady would of taken herself out of that house, I would of walked but not till I spoke my mind, oh Id have that place tits up… Im actually disppointed in Carole, honestly I thought she would of spoken to the whole of the group and taught them on Respect to Elders… and a few home truths…
I not Mary Poppins but I do hope I have Dignty….
15 June, 2007 at 10:44 am #272062gawd at the fightin over the shopping list :roll: …………few fings med me laff last night…..charley acusing everyone of pickin on her just becos she as loads of money…isnt in bb to win…..and doesnt need to seek attention cos its always on her anyway! :-k does her arrogance and love of herself know no bounds???she must be gutted at missing john terrys wedding this weekend…….no doubt she would have had a front row seat……….his wife to be must be so pleased that the *it* girl who spends every w/end clubbing with her man and the rest of the footballing fraternity…… safely locked away. and even tho i cant tell a word the twins say….apart from deffo fear……..(which aparently means really scarey)…i’m loving the way everyone treats em like 2 backward 5 year olds. lesley remarked when she left that to relief boredom she would tek one of the twins from the shelf and play with them lol. and i howled at last nites show when they had a massive water fight which ended up in the bedroom with them all leaping from bed to bed……….and gerry rushing in saying *now seriously stop this! one of the twins is going to break a leg!*….lmaoooooooo.
oh an when nicky n charley launched at each other screaming abuse the other day………the twins looked like 2 rabbits caught in the headlights of a car..and seany covered sams ears to protect her from the language and insults being hurled. :D i still cant see shabnam goin tnite tho……..her charley n nicky keep a row simmering for hours till it explodes. carole is just an unpaid skivvy……and tracey much as i like her has 3 phrases………AVE IT……….deal wiv it…………..and……its all gravy.15 June, 2007 at 6:35 pm #272063ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,just put BBLB on…..4 new men goin in tnite………… :D/
16 June, 2007 at 12:28 am #272064seen them and Shazbaz gods did ya HEAR the ” boos” !!! I actually thoight Tracey Might go,,
4 men in….and the little one said ” roll over”…im bored by it all pats..I MAY think more during the week ! ??
16 June, 2007 at 12:31 am #272065It’s taken 17 days, and we’ve already lost two housemates, but tonight the public finally got to boot someone out – and you chose Shabnam.
A whopping 81.4% of you voted to kick the 22-year-old out the door, meaning Carole and Tracey last another week.
sheest,,,THATS a BIG VOTE !
19 June, 2007 at 5:02 pm #272066carole.seany and jon up for eviction..and charleys weave has disintegrated as she refused to wear a swimming cap during the swimming task! stupid erse !
19 June, 2007 at 5:37 pm #272067@rubyred wrote:
carole.seany and jon up for eviction..and charleys weave has disintegrated as she refused to wear a swimming cap during the swimming task! stupid erse !
plzzzzzzzz tell me ur kiddin rubes……………. :shock: :shock: :shock:
19 June, 2007 at 6:18 pm #272068How the f00k as charley got away with it again FIX f00king FIX i tell ya [-(
19 June, 2007 at 10:11 pm #272069JMMOG…. why O why is Charlie not up…. effin baffles me she cause more mayhem than others…
ohhh dilemnas the nite eh…. Niki n carole… im actually going off Carole as such I reckon she’ll get voted out, or than Millionaire… and Seany bein a norty boy eh targettin Charlie eh… did she say that it was a form of bullying…. pot kettle and black in that sentence from her mooth….
you I canny be ar5ed with any of them in that hoose this yr but yet I canny stopped watchin the nighty show…! lol
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