well appently you can survive 3 months without food.. 3 days without water, so i’l lprobablt eat loads of snow, and if by 2 months nobody would have rescued me, i would have given up hope.. and well, probably hang myself or somthing
Then everyone else would feed on your carcass :twisted:
I’d personally want to stay alive to stop everyone else eating
ME…. :shock:
I don’t think one can last 3 months with no food. It may be possible, but remembering hunger strikers like Bobby Sands ( IRA ), I think human beings really suffer after about 2 weeks. I think you can die after about 6.
I reckon it would largely depend on the individual’s will to survive. Some have a stronger survival instinct than others. I remember that German case Veronica, quite chilling what he did.
I have seen the film, rather intresting if you were in this situtation. As im sure many will say ‘ No id rather starve to death’. But Im sure when the hungry pains start to kick in, you would see your other survivers in a different light. Maybe laced with Red Wine and fresh Ginger.
Still if there was as much food as you have mentioned – Fresh ginger , chocolate fudge , basil , cherries , pigs and red wine surley that’s enough to sustain life until a rescue ?
I don’t believe that story. No-one can survive for a year withour food. Some hunger strikers have survived a long time by refusing solids, but still taking various fluids to sustain them.