Boards Index General discussion Getting serious can someone clear this up ? (yes mccanns again)

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    There is a special report on Sunday night to discuss all these theories. I suspect what it really is, is a desperate attempt by Mr cheesy PR man to offer perfectly reasonable explanations for everything and try and divert attention away from the annointed ones, back to finding maddie. Anyone know how much Mr chessy PR man is getting paid for all this or is he doing it all for free out of the kindness of his heart. Maybe their newfound pal Richard Branson is coughing up the cash. Before you know it the great sainted ones will be attending celebrity “bashes” at his place. :roll: :roll:


    @bat wrote:

    There is a special report on Sunday night to discuss all these theories. I suspect what it really is, is a desperate attempt by Mr cheesy PR man to offer perfectly reasonable explanations for everything and try and divert attention away from the annointed ones, back to finding maddie. Anyone know how much Mr chessy PR man is getting paid for all this or is he doing it all for free out of the kindness of his heart. Maybe their newfound pal Richard Branson is coughing up the cash. Before you know it the great sainted ones will be attending celebrity “bashes” at his place. :roll: :roll:

    Well whether they are guilty or not attention SHOULD be diverted back to finding maddy tho

    But just not at the exclusion of the parents or anyone else, a search is a search and NO rock should be left unturned and no person spared suspicion on the mere basis of some missguided and innacurate social ideals of “parents”

    But the public at large ARENT searching for maddy, thats the job and function of the police, so no amount of theorising and speculating by the public will in any real sense hinder the search and to claim it will is an act of illogical desperation on their part

    And even the police WILL be quite capable of searching AND theorising, its not like the two are mutually exclusive and a person is only capable of doing one or the other lol


    I think that Mr Smarmy, the PR man, is being paid out of the million pound plus fund set up to promote the search for Maddie. You will recall that when she first went missing and the PR campaign got into full cry – a lot of people sent in donations to be used in furthering the search for her.

    Incidentally, I gather that this money has been put into a bank account set up in the name of a limited company. Apparently the sainted and holy McCanns wern’t allowed to set up a charitable trust to receive and dispense the money, as its aims would not have been sufficiently ‘broad’ enough to satisfy the requirements of a registered charity.

    The directors of this company are reported as being both sainted McCanns as well as Father McCann’s brother.


    So theyve offered to take a lie detector test….I wouldnt bother if I were them. Even when it shows that they are telling the truth about not being involved in Madelaines disappearance, people still wont leave it there. Next it will be …the lie detector test was fixed, its not reliable blah blah blah

    As for people calling for them to make a public announcement admiting their negligence, why the hell should they?? Its blatantly obvious they know it was wrong to leave the children alone, dont you think if they could turn back the clock they would? Its done now, they cant reverse whats happened, why dont people just concentrate on helping them to find maddie instead of persuing this spiteful attack on them?


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    So theyve offered to take a lie detector test….I wouldnt bother if I were them. Even when it shows that they are telling the truth about not being involved in Madelaines disappearance, people still wont leave it there. Next it will be …the lie detector test was fixed, its not reliable blah blah blah

    As for people calling for them to make a public announcement admiting their negligence, why the hell should they?? Its blatantly obvious they know it was wrong to leave the children alone, dont you think if they could turn back the clock they would? Its done now, they cant reverse whats happened, why dont people just concentrate on helping them to find maddie instead of persuing this spiteful attack on them?

    LOL, help how? Most people have more than enough to do getting on with their own lives, not worshipping the Mcanns doesnt “hinder” their search the same as people believing every half assed comment or feigning of regret they utter doesnt “help” find her

    The majority of the people on the planet have nothing whatsoever to do with whether she will or wont be found and claiming otherwise is totally ludicrous

    As for “why the hell should they”, well if they were to do it because people thought they should it would be meaningless, they “should” because its a natural reaction considering what they did, a normal and understandable realisation of the end result of their actions, its nothing more than stating the obvious, accepting responsibility for their decisions and nothing more or less

    Not doing so out of actual genuine realisation simply supports the fact they cant see anything majorly wrong with what they did, and to any even barely adequately average parent will be abhorrent that they can be so dismissive about leaving their kids alone

    Which in turn quite validly raises the question of “if they can be so impassive about that, what else can they be capable of?”

    lets suppose someone stole a tenner out of your house and seemed totally without guilt over it and any apology they offered sounded empty and without any level of sincerity, then lets suppose your house was also burgled

    How hard would it be to believe them when they said they hadnt also burgled the house?

    Easier or harder to what it would have been had the apology over the tenner been one clearly remorseful, genuine, emotive and sincere?


    And lie detectors arent that reliable

    Nervous people regularly cause false positives as do those hiding something other than whats being sought, and people who lack conscience or guilt or who are convinced they are convincing liars can easily pass them as they work due to the change in resistance caused by stress, which isnt present in people who dont feel in anyway stressed about what they HAVE done, and is there in abundance in people who are overly stressed about being found guilty of something they havent done

    So no, they arent anywhere near the “science” they are sold as being, but their biggest use is as leverage in that a confession goes down better than being proven to be guilty

    So their main use is to pursuade someone who thinks it will “prove” their guilt to confess to get a lower sentence


    dammed IF they Do and Dammed if they DONT !

    huh ?


    @rubyred wrote:

    dammed IF they Do and Dammed if they DONT !

    huh ?

    Nah, I think the only damnation likely here is their own personal one if they did kill her in some way

    If all they did was leave her alone they dont seem to feel any genuine guilt over that and if the DNA was that damning they would already be in custody

    So I reckon even if they did kill her either accidentally or deliberately I think it is unlikely to be proven

    As for the lie detector, theyre both trained doctors, they will already not only know the fallibility of them, but which drugs aid a pass, which are easily detectable and which arent and what defence to wheel out even if the test is positive, and thats why, if they have, I reckon they have suggested a test to try and dissipate some of the disbelievers back here in the UK

    I’d also guess its most probably been sparked by comments, views and sentiments expressed by people they know or family members since they’ve returned and possibly the new spin doctor

    So its a weighed and considered strategic move IMO

    Whether guilty or not they have in my opinion been “playing” the public and the media from day one, and have so far only faulted in the outcome changing from them winning before anyone but some of us members of the public suspecting them to it seeming like a stalemate (draw) being the most likely outcome since more realism has been adopted by the media and police

    So nah, not “damned” either way as yet and wont be unless one of them cracks or some new evidence is found

    And even then all they have to do is both protest their innocence and each blame the other (something else I reckon they have already figured out and prepared for should it all go tits up) because where it cant be discerned which of the two is guilty even if its KNOWN one of them did, niether can be jailed

    So short of a confession by both, a confession by one giving incontrivertible proof of the others guilt or indisputeable evidence against one of both none of which I think is likely

    they WILL get get away scot free even if they are both guilty I reckon


    @ubermik wrote:

    As for the lie detector, theyre both trained doctors, they will already not only know the fallibility of them, but which drugs aid a pass, which are easily detectable and which arent and what defence to wheel out even if the test is positive, and thats why, if they have, I reckon they have suggested a test to try and dissipate some of the disbelievers back here in the UK

    Or maybe they could just sit and tell the truth.


    hear hear ugo I agree.

    (UGO ????? surely some mistake ???? …… Ed)

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