Esme..a question. I noticed that you put the little copyright c after your works. Now whilst this wouldn’t prevent people from actually pinching your works, if they did and you had copyrighted it as your own work, would you be able to sue someone. Or is the little copyright c in this context not worth the thread it is posted on?
As long as I can prove that I am indeed Esmeralda (and I can) then my work is protected by is anyones’s as long as they can lay proof to their name or ndp.
Thanks Esme… its a minefield is all this copyright stuff. My dad goes on the war path at the drop of a hat, but thats usually regards music copyright issues. He was having pink fits at the idea people were downloading music from the internet for nothing!
Oh, btw I’ve taken a different title from the one I intended, so Fragments is still up for grabs. :P
you can find my stuff on CAMAS NAN GAELL if ya interested. 8)