Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Brutal children

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    In this case probably but i wouldnt say in every case


    I agree with cas, they can’t choose their parents who may have let them get away with it anyway, but atleast when schools could discipline and chastise kids it was better than nothing for those that did have parents who didnt care, now there is nothing for these children at all in the way of discipline and learning respect, the softly softly time out naughty step and so forth may work for some, but those are not the ones that need a firmer hand. Its ridiculous what kids get away with and to be honest you are seeing it more and more in chat rooms ppl just have no respect for others anymore, if we are not careful the old way of human beings behaving with each other respectfully and politely will be long gone and that will be the odd ones rather than the norm as of yesteryear



    @(f)politics? wrote:

    I agree with cas, they can’t choose their parents who may have let them get away with it anyway, but atleast when schools could discipline and chastise kids it was better than nothing for those that did have parents who didnt care, now there is nothing for these children at all in the way of discipline and learning respect, the softly softly time out naughty step and so forth may work for some, but those are not the ones that need a firmer hand. Its ridiculous what kids get away with and to be honest you are seeing it more and more in chat rooms ppl just have no respect for others anymore, if we are not careful the old way of human beings behaving with each other respectfully and politely will be long gone and that will be the odd ones rather than the norm as of yesteryear

    =D> =D> Well said Poli xx


    Spare the rod spoil the child



    People say things like ‘evil’ and ‘sadistic’. I think these are gut reactions based on anger.

    No child is born evil, a new baby will behave aggressively if its milk is taken away as it completely selfish. Later it learns to be patient and then as a small child learn the values of sharing and reciprocating. Should this not have happened by the ages of 5 or 6 ? Yet these perpetrators were twice that age. And sadists pre-plan their actions, not slash out wildly with a Stanley knife just because another kid won’t hand over a phone.

    It’s taken me a few days to have the stomach to read into this terrible affair. There are a great many factors involved. It’s probably fair to guess that these retarded children, especially the older one, have been the recipients of violence from older kids and/or adults. That is how bullies are made after all, by example. Doncaster social services were described as ‘chaotic’ by the Government who recently replaced the WHOLE top layer of management. They were already being called the ‘Haringay’ of the north. (Only last October a local man was jailed for breaking the back of an abused child over his knee – his defence was that the family’s dog was responsible). The carers were a well-respected couple who had only taken on the brothers a few days earlier and so cannot be blamed at all.

    The mother has quite rightly disgusted most other women but the father was living in the vicinity too. The mother of the kid attacked a week earlier has criticised the reaction of the police, who showed little interest at the time and who warned her off from ‘bandying names about’. Apparently they have now video-taped this lad in interview and are conducting further enquiries. Their own Incident Reports might be a good start. These brothers had only just moved back into the area and were intent on displaying their so-called authority with vandalism, robbery, violence, arson, and were openly smoking and drinking in the street, sometimes barefoot.

    I’d also posit that this would not have happened before the pit closures a decade ago which destroyed the community, led to Welfare dependence and greatly reduced the number of proper role models. Another factor of course being the legislation on child discipline, and you can probably throw in the influence of violent video and computer games too.

    The last was certainly mentioned often at the time of the Bulger case, and this one too will probably have reporting restrictions due to certain heinous aspects that are not thought fit for public consumption.

    If any should think this a litany of excuses then go ahead, be my guest and misunderstand as much as you want. As a father I too am as angered, mystified and saddened as you are. But these atrocities are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how youngsters, (and the elderly) are abandoned by the politicians. What a terrible legacy it leaves for the country when this generation of feral kids grow up. I have always believed in the basic goodness of humanity but that faith can be sorely tested at times.

    Sorry for rambling on but there’s a desperate need for something, anything, positive to come out of this horrific event. Once upon a time an M.P. would be a successful businesman, or lawyer, or doctor, with the proper experience of life necessary to make informed decisions. Nowadays the intake at Westminster is full of time-servers who see it as an occupation with fringe benefits, rather than the opportunity to make a difference through public service. Meanwhile there are two innocent and well-respected kids who have just lost their childhoods lying in hospital, TOO INJURED TO BE HUGGED yet extremely lucky to be alive.



    We are all animals kept in check by the restraints of law and society. Read Lord of the Flies, thats true human nature


    @toybulldog wrote:

    this would not have happened before the pit closures a decade ago which destroyed the community, led to Welfare dependence and greatly reduced the number of proper role models.

    yes pete, but those restraints have been in place for millenia. There are very few tribes living in the Amazonian jungle but I’d wager the pre-pubescent crime levels are fairly low there. Unlike in civilised well-regulated countries like ours.

    The police have erected tents to protect the crime scenes, underneath which still lay vast seams of coal. But of course, we are dealing with the social effect of throwing thousands on to the dole without due consideration of the ramifications. My main point is that these communities were once pretty much self-policing. Now they’re economically wasteful, bureaucratic and crime-ridden nightmares, lacking in any self-respect.

    But you know this already of course.


    oooo dnt start pete off on the pit closures , if its all down to upbringing how do u get one child as good as gold his brother a lil sh it see it often


    by bringing them up differently or maybe by bringing them up the same when they are different characters


    These kinds of things have always happened – it’s just that they happen more often now.

    I agree there’s no single solution. Most children grow up wanting to be reasonably good, even if they want to kick against the system a bit sometimes. Then there are those who like to push the boundaries. Among them, most boys and probably all girls would be deterred by the possibility of harsh corporal punishment. That would leave a small minority of bad boys, the sort now labelled as ADHD, who would not be deterred by the thought of corporal punishment. I remember a boy at school who was always getting whacked and hit by teachers yet it made no difference to his behaviour.

    Nature and nurture both play a part. I knew another guy who had a good job, a good education and came from a ‘good’ family and yet he still went out with the intention of getting drunk and picking a fight as entertainment.

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