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    Just remember Tiffany, despite all the trolls out there, there are some nice people in chat, and we just have to be more choosy in whom we trust, Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.


    the person who causes me problems isnt some one i know from chat. he knew me in real life. I dont tell chat people anything. its foolish to do so


    No amount of warnings will stop u chatting and revealing info to others if u think u can trust someone then u will.

    Sometimes things will be repeated just to be malicious, or a chatter armed with a piece of gossip will screech it all over chat in an attempt to be popular for a few minutes, sometimes it happens not out of a attempt to hurt it happens out of sheer stupidity, the most hurtful times wen it happens is wen a chatter befriends u out of the sole goal to gain info u trust them u tell them stuff and bamm its used against you if u are feeling particualarly vunerable at this time and the other chatter knows this it must b an awful experience.

    But what is the alternative just talk about the x factor


    @barbie_girl wrote:

    I wish i knew how to put the quotes in here grrr. What i meant sassy is sometimes, when you try to warn someone not to do something because you know what they are like it can kick in the stubborn gene in someone, who then feels they WANT to do it because someone has advised them not to do it. I hope that made more sense.

    At the end of the day, you can’t win, if you tell people things, they spread it, if you refuse to tell people things, you are accused of being false and hiding things. At the end of the day, like LucyLocket said to me the other day, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone in the chatroom, and i think we should just try to have fun and ignore the trolls. Plus in a sort of weird way, if they are talking about you, its a compliment, they obviously think more of you than you do of them lol.

    I agree it is a compliment…It often amuses me when I see the trolls make up crap about me, I just think who cares what they think? Not me…nor the people that know better. I do bite back sometimes but usually all these trolls want is for you to bite back…so why give in to them?


    I will also say Barbie that I totally get the stubborn mode thing, it probably is something you just have to learn for yourself. I’m sure most of us have been burnt by a troll or two. :lol:




    @barbie_girl wrote:

    Just remember Tiffany, despite all the trolls out there, there are some nice people in chat, and we just have to be more choosy in whom we trust, Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

    I know, I have made some really good friends already. It just a shame that some people have to stab others in the back. They must be pretty unhappy with their own lives tbh. But we live and learn…


    Really……..who gives a feck…….Jees!




    @mucky1234 wrote:

    Really……..who gives a feck…….Jees!


    I heard Mucky stuffs bees down his pants for extra pleasure ….. :lol:

    I don’t give a hooha anymore. I used to get really upset but meh now. I’ve had one too many episodes of This is your life in JustChat for it to impact me.
    Oh yeah, don’t give your info out on here to randoms like numbers etc. If they appear unstable, untrustworthy.. they are!!! Remember this is a site where you don’t have to register. That person could be anyone :O

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