Boards Index General discussion Getting serious British Muslims more law abiding and more "British&quot

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  • #267978

    @waspish wrote:

    slayer you are of course correct i can understand that you feel that its a bnp ranting having read the post again i apologise for that, as i dislike the bnp as much as anyone who hates facist doctrin.. i do however stand firm on the sharia law issue the government are indeed in talks with leading members of the muslim faith to allow sharia law to be used to settle matters such as marriage issues and family law. however if you are a female muslim you have only half the rights as a man and you have no say in family law as the women are not allowed to voice an opinion unless she has up to 4 male witnesses to back her case and this never happens. so when i say we should be against this monstrous law i mean that we should be against it on behalf of the silenced womenfolk of the muslim community and not against muslim people in general

    religion is fear
    fear is religion :oops:

    Wasp- I am not aware of sharia law having any legal validity in this country nor is it likely to. Nor do I dispute the fact sharia law is used as a male tool (!) for the oppression of women.

    However it is no more oppressive than catholicism which refuses, consistently, to allow birth control thereby ensuring the subjugation of women throughout some of the poorest countries in the world because their religion denies them the basic right to prevent conception.

    As I said, if you look back in history, the current demonisation of Islam is no different than the way catholicism was viewed for centuries and judaism for centuries before that. The song remains the same


    totally agree with you on that one as well i think anyone who allows a child to go alone to a catholic church should be prosecuted for child neglect i was 9 years old when a preiest tried to abuse me and my sister she was 14 and had enough about her to get us ot of there fast if i had been alone GOD only knows what would have happened to me. i think all religion has faults but in the main catholosism and the muslim faith in my view are evil brain washing fear machines designed to keep people ignorant and therefore easy to manipulate. by the way the priest died two years ago after thirty five years of doing GODS good work….

    religion is fear
    fear is religion

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