Going back to the thread topic momentarily (sorry about this) it seems to me that this entire ”deport him” scenario was created by arse-achingly moronic Socialist politicians trying to look hard and grabbing some cheap media headlines by stating that they would deport Learco Chindamo back to Italy – his country of origin when his sentence was completed.
This was known to be utter bollocks at the time the press release was issued. This kid has been in the UK – perfectly legally and with his entire family – since he was 5 years old. As a (former) member of an EU country he is legally entitled to free movement around the EU. Deport him … and he can return any time he see fit.
Were he to be the usual run of the mill street gang member who casually murdered somebody (as seems to be the current fashion craze at the moment) he would get his life sentence, do his time, and be released in the usual way at the end of it.
As this guy has been given such a high media profile by the politicians, they now have to protect him on his release from attacks by well-meaning citizens intent on killing or maiming him.
But hey …. don’t be too concerned. The guy will soon commit more crimes and he will be back inside faster than you can say “Jamie Bulger’s killers”.