Oh dear Tom.
The state of Israel has done some truly monstrous things, and there have been some terrible things done in the name of Islam.
The holocaust is one of Europe’s darkest hours. One crime however does not excuse brutal behaviour, such as the actions of the Israeli state in highjacking the multicultural state of Palestine, where Muslims, Jews and Christians lived in relative peace, and then systematically suppressing the other Muslim and Christian inhabitants of their “promised land”.
I for one respect the rights of the Jewish as a people, but object strongly to the actions of the state of Israel. Equally I also respect the rights of the Palestinians to make a living and make their homes anywhere in Palestine (including what we know call Israel) without being driven out in fear of their lives to make way for Israeli settlers.
If you choose to take sides in the Arab/Israeli issue, as least don’t accuse those who have different views to you of being racist or denying the holocaust.