Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Britain wants UK break up, poll shows

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    A clear majority of people in both England and Scotland are in favour of full independence for Scotland, an ICM opinion poll for The Sunday Telegraph has found. Independence is backed by 52 per cent of Scots while an astonishing 59 per cent of English voters want Scotland to go it alone.

    There is also further evidence of rising English nationalism with support for the establishment of an English parliament hitting an historic high of 68 per cent amongst English voters. Almost half – 48 per cent – also want complete independence for England, divorcing itself from Wales and Northern Ireland as well. Scottish voters also back an English breakaway with 58 per cent supporting an English parliament with similar powers to the Scottish one.

    The ICM poll told a very different story, however, with 60 per cent of English voters complaining that higher levels of public spending per head of the population in Scotland were “unjustified”, compared to 28 per cent claiming they were justified. Even among Scots, 36 per cent said the system was unfair, with only 51 per cent supporting it.

    Voters also had serious concerns about the so-called West Lothian Question, the ability of Scottish MPs at Westminster to vote on solely English matters while many purely Scottish issues are decided in Edinburgh. Sixty-two per cent of English voters want Scottish MPs stripped of this right and even 46 per cent of Scots agreed.

    Alex Salmond, the SNP leader, said: “In England, people quite rightly resent Scottish Labour MPs bossing them about on English domestic legislation. England has as much right to self government as Scotland does.”

    Click on my sig link to sign a petition so the people of England can have the right to a referendum for an English Parliament.


    Your very very own Engerlish Parlymint. OOOohhh. Now that WOULD be a parcel of rogues in a nation. But hark…you have one already.. a fine Engerlish Parlymint run by Scot Tony Blair and Scot Gordon Brown and Scot John Reid and Scot Des Brown and oh this is getting dreary. Lemme could have some of Engerlind’s finest.. leading your proud country..erm..Davey Camera Griffin or maybe Ming Campbell..oops..sorry..another Scot. “Out..out damned Scot!” :twisted:


    The thing about these polls is that Scot’s will say they back SNP and Independence in Polls, but they dont follow through with it when it comes to voting.
    Regarding the Scot’s MP’s at Westminster. A lot of them are voting for issues that affect the UK as a whole. The Scottish Parliament hasnt got much bite, therefore a lot of issues that affect the UK are decided at Westminster.
    Indepedence wont happen in our lifetimes.


    Well they’ve had there own laws for long enough, look after their young for free and their elders for free, so before the greatest divide in our lifetime can we please adopt a bit of what they do first??


    Yesterday saw another initiative to teach more ‘Britishness’ in schools, not only to migrants and people from ethnic minorities but to ‘indigenous’ British children.

    I think it is particularly important that the Britishness message gets across in Scotland and Wales. English, Scots, Welsh, Cornish – we are all British first and foremost. And I say that as a pro EU and a republican!!!!!!!!



    I was reading an article in The Economist last night:

    A flurry of opinion polls appear to show that a majority will vote for the Scottish National Party (SNP) in May’s elections to the devolved Scottish Parliament. Then would come a referendum on independence, which the SNP advocates, and farewell to 300 years of history.

    A careful reading of the polls, however, suggests that the Scots are a long way from walking out. Speculation that they might began with an ICM poll for the Scotsman newspaper last October. It found that 51% would vote for independence in a referendum and only 39% would oppose it.

    But other pollsters asking differently worded questions get different answers. A YouGov poll for Channel 4 earlier this month, for example, found that only 40% of Scots would support independence and 44% were opposed. Then they were given further choices that were more specific. When asked how keen they were on a “completely separate state”, only 31% were enthusiastic, whereas 51% supported some variety of devolution, perhaps with different powers, for the existing Parliament.

    John Curtice, a psephologist at Strathclyde University, believes that “Scots are no more and no less in favour of independence than eight years ago when the Scottish Parliament was created.”

    Still, the SNP does seem to be doing well. Five of the past six polls have given them a lead over Labour, who now govern Scotland in coalition with the Liberal Democrats. Mr Curtice reckons this lead, which has grown from two to six points since October, would net the SNP between 40 and 45 seats in the 129-seat Parliament. If so, they could run Scotland only in coalition.

    Even if other parties, such as the Greens, who favour independence won perhaps ten seats, the nationalists would still fall short of the 65 votes needed to get a referendum bill passed. So although the battering that all this implies for Mr Brown’s Scottish Labour electoral base is bad news for him, at least it is unlikely that he will need a new passport.


    The union is a permanent union, the Scots signed it themselves – So tough sh!t.

    Britain will never break up – Not without civil war.

    If the ape-faced Scottish b*stards want a war, they can bring it on 8) We’ll only slaughter them and smash their cities to the ground 8)

    Great Britain is the greatest nation on earth, it’s the only civilized nation of earth, and the earth needs Great Britain.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    Yesterday saw another initiative to teach more ‘Britishness’ in schools, not only to migrants and people from ethnic minorities but to ‘indigenous’ British children.

    I think it is particularly important that the Britishness message gets across in Scotland and Wales. English, Scots, Welsh, Cornish – we are all British first and foremost. And I say that as a pro EU and a republican!!!!!!!!

    Pro EU & republican = anti-British terrorist.


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    I think it is particularly important that the Britishness message gets across in Scotland and Wales. English, Scots, Welsh, Cornish – we are all British first and foremost. And I say that as a pro EU and a republican!!!!!!!!

    I’d have to say a swift rollax to that. It is ignorance to claim that someone is something because you want them to be, because it suits you.

    ChatHost, the reason for 51% wanting scottish independence, is because the political spectrum has moved to a more marxist thought process. We “brits” arnt marxist in cold hard mind, we like some liberalisms, but ultimately we are right minded people, and those 51% are people in a country where marxist rule has lasted 10 years.

    Smiley, the scots have a human right to want independence, they will help the English gain it too. We English will struggle to defeat the marxist without independence.

    The scots are our brothers and sisters.


    @smiley wrote:

    The union is a permanent union, the Scots signed it themselves – So tough sh!t.

    Britain will never break up – Not without civil war.

    If the ape-faced Scottish b*stards want a war, they can bring it on 8) We’ll only slaughter them and smash their cities to the ground 8)

    Great Britain is the greatest nation on earth, it’s the only civilized nation of earth, and the earth needs Great Britain.

    Im an ape face scottish bas*ard!!!!!!!!

    Coming from ikle Tommy Tucker of all people………….. go eat another pie……… go on :wink: dork 8)

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