Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show

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  • #1109446

    It’s turning into a disaster because of scare mongering morons like you propagating a climate of fear stopping us leaving the EU

    oh dear, that’s scraping the bottom of the barrel, isn’t it?


    The conflict has been entirely within the Tory party, and within the government doing the negotiating.

    The negotiating team weren’t worried at all about the Remainers. A guy called Ollie Robbins was in charge, and their worry was purely with the Tory brexiteers within the cabinet. You remember the resignation of Boris Johnson and David Davis last summer over the Chequers deal? Or the resignations of Dominic Raab and co a few days ago?

    Sounds a bit like sour grapes to me, Mr Smear. A bit of an explosion of resentment that you lot have come to a dead stop, and that there is even the possibility – just a possibility at the moment – of a referendum to return us to the EU, where we rightly belong. Time to scour out the lies and distortions again, as with the EU budget. I’m sure you’re ready and willing.

    Or do you have access to information the rest of us poor sods outside the negotiating room have??

    Or are you just making it up because the brexit is turning into a dog’s dinner??? Hmmm think not :yes:


    It’s turning into a disaster because of scare mongering morons like you propagating a climate of fear stopping us leaving the EU

    Sounds a bit like sour grapes to me, Mr Smear.

    Sour grapes coming from a guy that spams the boards daily crying over leaving the Eu who clutches  at more straws than a randy scarecrow …. the irony and brass nerve you have calling posters for having sour grapes. Repeat the words slowly to yourself infront of a mirror ” remainers lost ” 3 times , click your heels together and do us all a favour and bugger off down the yellow brick road to Brussels to live out the rest of your wretched bitter existence seething in rage that we’re leaving the EU.

    :yes:   :yes:


    rudeboy wrote:
    It’s turning into a disaster because of scare mongering morons like you propagating a climate of fear stopping us leaving the EU

    oh dear, that’s scraping the bottom of the barrel, isn’t it?

    The conflict has been entirely within the Tory party, and within the government doing the negotiating.

    The negotiating team weren’t worried at all about the Remainers. A guy called Ollie Robbins was in charge, and their worry was purely with the Tory brexiteers within the cabinet. You remember the resignation of Boris Johnson and David Davis last summer over the Chequers deal? Or the resignations of Dominic Raab and co a few days ago?

    Sounds a bit like sour grapes to me, Mr Smear. A bit of an explosion of resentment that you lot have come to a dead stop, and that there is even the possibility – just a possibility at the moment – of a referendum to return us to the EU, where we rightly belong. Time to scour out the lies and distortions again, as with the EU budget. I’m sure you’re ready and willing.

    Or do you have access to information the rest of us poor sods outside the negotiating room have??

    Or are you just making it up because the brexit is turning into a dog’s dinner??? Hmmm think not


    ” Or are you just making it up …..” 

    Do you say that to everyone ?  just wondered….

    Sorry can’t let this post go… It’s positively brimming with smugness and unbelievable swings in rhetoric

    Firstly I’d just like to point out that I just don’t get the title of the thread

     Britain is not the EU’s equal in strength, and boy, does it show

    Is this meant to be informative or sarcastic or what ?  :unsure:   who said it was ? Do you actually believe that ppl who voted Brexit thought it was ? It’s just a ridiculous thing to say , either because you think we are all so thick we thought it was, or because you think you are actually trying to educate people lol ??  They’re the biggest trading bloc in the world.

    Sour Grapes ? kidding right ? The remainers have been full of sour grapes since the referendum results came in ! !   That is just a classic comment- hilarious !!

    just a possibility at the moment – of a referendum to return us to the EU, where we rightly belong.

    We don’t belong in the EU, obviously we don’t as The Country voted to leave the EU or had you forgotten that ???  Despite the hash that has been made of finding a Brexit deal, with both the Government and the EU to blame, The Country voted to leave. Why would anyone even want another referendum ? It would hold no value what so ever, surely a democratic vote is just that and should stand. Surely anyone who believes in Democracy should abide by it !!

    The negotiating team weren’t worried at all about the Remainers. A guy called Ollie Robbins was in charge, and their worry was purely with the Tory brexiteers within the cabinet. You remember the resignation of Boris Johnson and David Davis last summer over the Chequers deal? Or the resignations of Dominic Raab and co a few days ago?

    We all listen to the news, what is your point ? You just keep name dropping people and dates as if you were ‘in on the convo’ you don’t actually make a point !!

    Why do you constantly harp on about humiliation ? I don’t feel humiliated at all. I feel let down by politicians and  disgraceful attitudes of people in general, but not humiliated.
    Britain is now the laughing stock of Europe…

    Says who ? you ?  because you post up yet another silly photo with a wrongly explained joke under it ?

    And talk about emotive and blustering…
    There is no historical law which says that Britian will avoid the fate of empires like Spain in the past…once the mightiest empire in the world, declining gradually and then quickly into a stagnant economy, desperately poor…..

    Right was that because of a few terrible wars lasting years & years, revolution and a Dictatorship ? or because they too joined the EU ?

    There is no historical law which says that Britian will avoid the fate of empires like Spain

    What on earth are you talking about ? Historical law ? How could there be ?  what does that even mean ? please explain ? And btw, we aren’t an Empire any more …….

    More emotive bleurgh…..
    then they strike me as a lot wiser than people like rudeboy, and the liars and crooks of the Leave campaign, who’ve landed us

    You have said yourself, more than once,  that there was bad behaviour and lies told on both the remain and brexit campaigns, did that not happen now ? The remainers all of a sudden were lilly white, while the brexiteers are all despicable liars and racists and xenophobes ?

    Get A Grip !!

    :wacko: :negative:   :negative:   :negative:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  mooosey88.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  mooosey88.
    2 members liked this post.


    It is just boring now, the whole subject and the dull Remain zombies churning out the same zomby mantra that they are spoon fed daily in the liberal press. The zombies will NEVER put forward a coherent technical argument, in plain English, as to why we should Remain in the EU. They will NEVER get involved in an honest and genuine debate because it would be shot down in flames instantly by those with more knowledge than them and further expose the greedy self entitled zomby voting liberal middle class and ultimately, they are just ignorant and out of touch in their privileged little bubble as to how much discontent there was and is among the lower classes in the UK, the lower classes that predominantly voted Brexit.

    They, the zomby army, spend countless hours and post hundreds and hundreds of comments online typing nothing at all. They read a soundbite on a liberal site and post it, read so and so said so and so and zomby post it, in the process making out like they are familiar with so and so’s work, some random nobody and that they are even best buddies with so and so. They never type anything of substance on this topic. They make out it is so complex that only they can understand it and ultimately, it is just complete bullshit.

    It is about a voting middle class (yes I know it is more complex) fighting tooth and nail to keep a political system in place that benefits them and only them. The Blairs of this world, the Majors, the Cleggs and the Camerons and the Mays are all cut from the same cloth and it is disingenous to divide the liberal middle class among party lines, they are one and the same and have infested and contaminated our entire political system and establishment.


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    I have noticed they NEVER answer a direct question. Never !  Like the politicians you see on Question Time, blabbering an answer, normally the answer to the questioner starts with

    ” what you have to understand is ….. ”       NO,  Its Understood !!  Answer the direct question !! How many times have you shouted at the telly ” just answer the question !”.  They don’t, they squirm and smile and make out the person asking hasn’t got a brain cell and can’t possibly understand the complexities of the whole situation …..  It is why you can’t have a reasoned debate on here, because some people don’t think others are capable of ‘understanding’ !  Well they can’t understand can they ? Or they wouldn’t disagree ??? Then they act all offended because people understandably lose there temper and eventually give up….  point to them !!!


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    It is why you can’t have a reasoned debate on here, because some people don’t think others are capable of ‘understanding’ !

    I disagree, they know damn well other people understand, they just don’t want their own ignorance exposed in the process, hence the constant barrage of blurge that means nothing but dressed up as meaning something important.






    Hmmm I get your point and you may well be correct,in your case anyway. In my case however, I don’t think I am credited with any intelligence what so ever, which is why I am often singled out for my opinion, as I don’t know the name of Rees-Moggs cat or what year it took its first poop , its easy to make me look silly LOL    get me drift …..



    Actually you are rather observant, more than most and often pick up on contradictions (all chatters but yes, also in this case). I enjoy reading when you do.





    I very nearly posted a pic of a cat having a poo with a silly punchline, I managed not to though and gave my head a good wobble!


    Ha Ha.




    Oh ! you mean like these ?

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