Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show
18 November, 2018 at 1:28 am #1109408
Sceptical we pay far more into the EU budget than we get back, actually it was a net contribution of around £8.5 billion last year (£23 million a day), which is more than we spend on the police service or border controls.
The NHS costs £8.5 billion a month and the Health Service would get an extra £5 billion a year as a result of Brexit. People crying about the NHS relying on foreign immigrants are too thick to realise many people in the Uk can’t get these jobs due to the numbers applying.
60 per cent of regulations originate from the EU and the 28-member Commission in Brussels — none of whom were elected. There’s currently no upper limit on migration and no proper control of our borders. More than three million EU migrants live in the UK — double the number in 2004 when the EU expanded to include Eastern European countries, who have sent more than a million people here (despite the last Labour Government saying it would be only 13,000 a year.)The net migration from EU countries to the UK, according to official figures, is over 200,000 a year — enough to fill a city the size of Oxford. We have never hit targets to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands — and most agree we never will if we remain inside the EU but according to you scep it’s not a broken flawed body.
Under EU law, we must let in any EU citizen regardless of their qualifications subsequently meaning businesses can’t get work permits for highly skilled or educated people from the Commonwealth, U.S., Australia and elsewhere outside the EU.Parliament is powerless, under EU treaties, to defend itself against the rulings of the European Court of Justice — which has interfered in everything from the price of beer to the right to deport terror suspects. The UK has lost three-quarters of the cases it’s challenged since 1973 which makes a mockery of the idea that the UK’s Supreme Court is supreme as Sceptical no doubt thinks.
UK law stops anyone from outside the EU entering Britain if their presence is deemed ‘not conducive to the public good’, but Brussels says EU citizens can only be turned away if there is a ‘serious, credible and present threat’.The list of criminals able to come here includes a Latvian who murdered his wife before moving to the UK, where he killed a 14-year-old girl and over the past decade, UK officials have only been able to turn away 11,000 EU nationals.
Thanks to Brussels busybodies ( maybe sceptical himself who knows), some of the EU’s most evil killers, rapists and drug-dealers have been allowed to remain here because their right to free movement has been put ahead of keeping the British public safe. A report by the Labour-led Commons Home Affairs Committee said the number of foreign criminals who had not been deported could fill a ‘small town’. British jails hold almost 10,000 foreign prisoners — including 1,000 Poles.
Why don’t you actually tackle points raised sceptical instead of rehashing pathetic pictures of Trump , right wing claptrap and frivolous arguments full of hot air based on conjecture/ supposition instead of dealing with actual statistics?
I dont like the way he says things,have to agree with a lot he says tho.
18 November, 2018 at 6:51 am #1109415Hang on there Rudeboy.
Everything is changing now. We’re moving into a very different world than the one in 2016 where people blithely voted to leave under the illusion that we’ll all be int eh money and the NHS will be saved.
Thats not right at all.Can one you really think people voted to leave the EU blithely?People understood that things would be tough,and i doubt any anyone who voted to leave thought for one moment they would be in the money.For myself i voted to leave because i thought we couldent go on as we were.Broken britan,My thinking was , it is going to be tough at first,but we will get there in the end and it will be a better Britan for my kids and grand kids.
After all can you think of anyother way to get out of this rut?I feel like evryone has been asleep for the last 20 years.People who cant get a job in a factory because its given to immigrants,who will live sparsely and send the money home to build up there own famileys and cuntrys.While a man here will be so depressed with life he will sit at home,take money from the state and play computer games or far worse.Drugs drink ect, because he cant make a living in work.What happend to the normal working man and woman?Who both had jobs in factoreys,worked hard because they could make a decent living and build a life for themselves.They were payed what they were worth.One of my pet hates is, people saying.people dont want to work.Which always seems to be sed by someone doing not to bad forthemselves,someone in work,who is not stuck in this rut.
This bloody nanny state,this is where it all stems from,pandering to the EU.Nurturing a country who have given up,the young men and woman today just have nothing.Unless there lucky to be abel to get an apprenticeship or can get to university.There not getting,encourigment from anyone,not even parents because the parents before them are in the exact same position and now thats the way it is,its normal.Knife crime is a branch of that,Young people are ganging,marking turff,its easy for criminals to take advantage of the situation.Youngsters dont see a way out,they cant see anyother way to make it here,no way to assert themselvs have any kinda life.There not seeing any future.So they go the wrong way and its bloody sad.
Im waffeling but i cant help it,i worry for the youngsters of today.
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18 November, 2018 at 7:37 am #1109416I agree with all the main points in your post Moon but I don’t think it was Rudeboy who suggested voting Brexit “blithely” would mean we would all be in the money, I don’t think Rudeboy is ignorant enough to say that. People voted Brexit for numerous reasons and often complex reasons and you have touched on my views on this. The do as I say not as I do bleeding heart liberal middle class obviously benefit from the service sector economy they created, cheap labour and brain drain theft and exploitation of poorer EU countries and all at the expense of the lower classes here in the UK.
Despite a prolonged two year onslaught by the Remain led MSM views have not budged an inch and are more or less the same as they were before the referendum, which is why the likes of Blair churn out propoganda about a “peoples vote” now. What does that tell us, it tells us the liberal middle class bubble is under threat and that project fear has dismally failed but they still have their heads so far up their own arses they are incapable of object analysis.
Brexit has been fantastic for exposing the failed liberal experiment that has contaminated politics across the board in the UK and now that pandora’s box has been opened by the result of the referendum, it can never be closed shut again.
That is the long lasting legacy of Brexit, whatever the know it all know nothing liberal class churn out now.
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18 November, 2018 at 8:33 am #1109417An interesting poll in the Guardian. The BIGGER picture. The REAL news and not the Goebbels propoganda “a peoples vote” churned out, by some factions of Remain.
Labour has opened up a three-point lead over the Tories as Conservative Leave supporters appear to be deserting Theresa May’s party in droves, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer.
Opinium found that the Tory decline was primarily a result of Leave supporters deserting the party. Last month (on 11 October) 59% of Leave supporters said they would vote Conservative.
But in Sunday’s poll, conducted entirely after details of May’s Brexit deal were made public last week, the proportion of Leavers backing the Tories has dropped by 10 points to 49%. Labour’s support among Leavers has risen by four points to 26%, while Ukip has surged by six points among Leavers to 16%.
The poll will encourage Jeremy Corbyn’s party as it tries to push for a general election as the means to end the Brexit chaos.
It will be less welcome news, however, for those pushing inside the party to back a second referendum on Brexit, as it suggests Leave supporters are prepared to head towards Ukip if they fear Brexit is being compromised.
18 November, 2018 at 9:20 am #1109418Apology to Rudeboy.I ment to say Sceptical guy.I think Britan can fix Britan,EU sure as hell dosent want to.
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18 November, 2018 at 9:25 am #1109419To hell with ukip.The kinda people drawn to that party are people that think Megan marcle will contaminate the royal famileys blood.You actually get that kinda people,its unthinkable to me but you do.
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18 November, 2018 at 11:59 am #1109421Hang on there Rudeboy.
Everything is changing now. We’re moving into a very different world than the one in 2016 where people blithely voted to leave under the illusion that we’ll all be int eh money and the NHS will be saved.
Thats not right at all.Can one you really think people voted to leave the EU blithely?People understood that things would be tough,and i doubt any anyone who voted to leave thought for one moment they would be in the money.For myself i voted to leave because i thought we couldent go on as we were.Broken britan,My thinking was , it is going to be tough at first,but we will get there in the end and it will be a better Britan for my kids and grand kids.
After all can you think of anyother way to get out of this rut?I feel like evryone has been asleep for the last 20 years.People who cant get a job in a factory because its given to immigrants,who will live sparsely and send the money home to build up there own famileys and cuntrys.While a man here will be so depressed with life he will sit at home,take money from the state and play computer games or far worse.Drugs drink ect, because he cant make a living in work.What happend to the normal working man and woman?Who both had jobs in factoreys,worked hard because they could make a decent living and build a life for themselves.They were payed what they were worth.One of my pet hates is, people saying.people dont want to work.Which always seems to be sed by someone doing not to bad forthemselves,someone in work,who is not stuck in this rut.
This bloody nanny state,this is where it all stems from,pandering to the EU.Nurturing a country who have given up,the young men and woman today just have nothing.Unless there lucky to be abel to get an apprenticeship or can get to university.There not getting,encourigment from anyone,not even parents because the parents before them are in the exact same position and now thats the way it is,its normal.Knife crime is a branch of that,Young people are ganging,marking turff,its easy for criminals to take advantage of the situation.Youngsters dont see a way out,they cant see anyother way to make it here,no way to assert themselvs have any kinda life.There not seeing any future.So they go the wrong way and its bloody sad.
Im waffeling but i cant help it,i worry for the youngsters of today.
I agree for the most part. I think your post meant to say ” hang on sceptical” as he’s the poster stating the EU is beneficial for the UK not me. I voted to leave for numerous reasons including the ones you have mentioned, but Sceptical believes most brexiteers wanting to leave the EU are racists belong to the ku klux klan etc and he will probably be PMing you later to find out. He’s form for that sort of thing sadly.
18 November, 2018 at 12:00 pm #1109422Apology to Rudeboy.I ment to say Sceptical guy.I think Britan can fix Britan,EU sure as hell dosent want to.
Just seen this, ignore the post above
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
18 November, 2018 at 1:16 pm #1109427AS I am trying to get a better handle on your politics, thank many for the opinions shared..information..I appreciate it. Thank you.
But as one poster said here, bottom line and she absolutely correct (Jamief) think for me and most agree..what happens to our children and grandchildren future hopes for success..? I have no grandchildren..but am a great Aunt to 3 very small ones. Wonder what future will hold in store for them. Can not predict future, however my opinion politics will be just as tuff for them as us..More scary for me as well who are going to be their future leaders and advocates. We open the journeys in life for our young, but eventually our paths go, split and they are on their own..
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18 November, 2018 at 3:17 pm #1109430Hang on there Rudeboy.
Everything is changing now. We’re moving into a very different world than the one in 2016 where people blithely voted to leave under the illusion that we’ll all be int eh money and the NHS will be saved.
Thats not right at all.Can one you really think people voted to leave the EU blithely?People understood that things would be tough,and i doubt any anyone who voted to leave thought for one moment they would be in the money.For myself i voted to leave because i thought we couldent go on as we were.Broken britan,My thinking was , it is going to be tough at first,but we will get there in the end and it will be a better Britan for my kids and grand kids.
After all can you think of anyother way to get out of this rut?I feel like evryone has been asleep for the last 20 years.People who cant get a job in a factory because its given to immigrants,who will live sparsely and send the money home to build up there own famileys and cuntrys.While a man here will be so depressed with life he will sit at home,take money from the state and play computer games or far worse.Drugs drink ect, because he cant make a living in work.What happend to the normal working man and woman?Who both had jobs in factoreys,worked hard because they could make a decent living and build a life for themselves.They were payed what they were worth.One of my pet hates is, people saying.people dont want to work.Which always seems to be sed by someone doing not to bad forthemselves,someone in work,who is not stuck in this rut.
This bloody nanny state,this is where it all stems from,pandering to the EU.Nurturing a country who have given up,the young men and woman today just have nothing.Unless there lucky to be abel to get an apprenticeship or can get to university.There not getting,encourigment from anyone,not even parents because the parents before them are in the exact same position and now thats the way it is,its normal.Knife crime is a branch of that,Young people are ganging,marking turff,its easy for criminals to take advantage of the situation.Youngsters dont see a way out,they cant see anyother way to make it here,no way to assert themselvs have any kinda life.There not seeing any future.So they go the wrong way and its bloody sad.
Im waffeling but i cant help it,i worry for the youngsters of today.
I agree for the most part. I think your post meant to say ” hang on sceptical” as he’s the poster stating the EU is beneficial for the UK not me. I voted to leave for numerous reasons including the ones you have mentioned, but Sceptical believes most brexiteers wanting to leave the EU are racists belong to the ku klux klan etc and he will probably be PMing you later to find out. He’s form for that sort of thing sadly.
Well at least you can see where im comming from.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
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