Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show

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  • #1109338

    We had another vote a year later, in 2017, and the government effectively lost.

    They didn’t lose, and the scond place party also campaigned with a pro-brexit manifesto.



    I think you will find drac – that dancing queen Zelda bought the NI votes to secure a temporary stay.

    The blues lost a lot of ground, but fair play she played it to her ability.


    DUP out of the picture. She is the remains of a collapse of foresight.


    Foresight , to be fair to is the reason why this procedure will take a long time.

    Change is worse than reform and this change will hopefully get the likes of “Rudeboy”`s litter  a good education when his council house comes up for CCP!




    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  ruthless.

    I think you will find drac – that dancing queen Zelda bought the NI votes to secure a temporary stay.

    The blues lost a lot of ground, but fair play she played it to her ability.

    DUP out of the picture. She is the remains of a collapse of foresight.

    Foresight , to be fair to is the reason why this procedure will take a long time.

    Change is worse than reform and this change will hopefully get the likes of “Rudeboy”`s litter a good education when his council house comes up for CCP!

    English clearly not your first language – another numpty on here


    Just to clarify… My ‘ Like ‘ of the above post is for ‘some’ points and facts given on the EU that I happen to agree with, that’s all.

    so which points and facts are correct in our very intelligent man’s flood of information, all constructed in the xenophobic manner which is going to be vicious if, as could well be the case, we have another referendum???

    Just asking before giving a response to Mr Big Deal.



    Just to clarify… My ‘ Like ‘ of the above post is for ‘some’ points and facts given on the EU that I happen to agree with, that’s all.

    so which points and facts are correct in our very intelligent man’s flood of information, all constructed in the xenophobic manner which is going to be vicious if, as could well be the case, we have another referendum???

    Just asking before giving a response to Mr Big Deal.

    We aren’t having a second referendum, as usual you have no answers to anything and revert to type bashing out accusations of xenophobia …islamophobia  will no doubt be making an appearance before long again zzzzzzzzzz


    If you were as altruistic as you claim, interested for young people you’d concern yourself with the three main areas that affect them which are housing, crime and jobs all of which are adversely affected by the EU and uncontrolled immigration. Englands the most populated country in Europe now behind Malta having recently overtaken Holland meaning house prices are pushed up, services are overstretched and wages are pushed down with many immigrants working for and below the minimum wage often sending money home when coming from Eastern Europe. These three areas are far more important than the left/right wing rhetoric you regurgitate on here daily like a sick parrot yet no mention of them anywhere.. just drawings of Trump and right wing attacks again.

    You must have your head so wrapped in anti-Islam propaganda that you can’t see what’s happening.

    You spend all your time telling everybody how intelligent you are, but this is one of the more dense responses to what’s going on that I’ve seen.

    Look at the news, man!!

    The government is falling apart and we may be on the eve of the biggest constitutional crisis since the Lords Reform crisis of 1910. We are in the midst of a very serious withdrawal from a trading arrangement which has affected and is going to affect the economy on which housing and jobs (and welfare, and health ) etc, as well as the UK’s strength in the world, and you claim that the first post isn’t important? :negative: :negative: :negative: :negative: :negative: :negative:

    I haven’t a clue what you are babbling on about- if you use news as evidence of your facts ( probably BBC in your case) you’re even thicker than I thought. Perhaps instead of hiding behind clichés you can explain how leaving the EU will harm housing , jobs for natives and crime figures instead of just generic statements on “trading arrangements ” ?

    Then read it again. It’s making a perfectly serious point. This post is in response to the deal that’s just been made.

    If a serious point is made and your response is to bury your head in a bucket of horse-shit by claiming you don’t understand, then how can I respond to the xenophobic rubbish you peddle as facts in your other post, Mr Big Deal?


    We had another vote a year later, in 2017, and the government effectively lost.

    They didn’t lose….

    The government lost their majority. As Ruthless pointed out, they depend on the DUP to govern, and now the DUP are withdrawing their support. Everything is changing now. We’re moving into a very different world than the one in 2016 where people blithely voted to leave under the illusion that we’ll all be int eh money and the NHS will be saved. We now have a deal, and it’s a mess. leaving wasn’t that easy, was it? We could be in the EU for years, taking their rules and paying into their budget.

    It’s all gone wrong, don’t you think??

    I actually still think May could win, and I’ve been depressing some of the people on FB by saying why. But certainly things look a bit grim for the government.

    If she loses the deal, then the chances of a new referendum are likely to become pretty strong, and will get stronger.


    The MPs can’t agree on what to do, and  they’ll need to refer things back to the people. If they hold an election it will be on the basis that they have made a mess of it, so please re-elect us. You need 400 MPs to vote for Christmas. I rule nothing out, but I can’t see this.

    A new referendum, with the option to remain in the EU, is looking likely, at least for now.

    I am actually worried about this. The last referendum campaign is going to be like a polite church tea-party compared with the next one, and this time the Remainers are as angry and determined as an outraged Leave campaign will be..

    I think we should join the EEA, with Norway, and hold a second referendum on the basis of our experience after several years (like Norway).

    But I’m going to have as little say in this as you are. A referendum is by no means certain, but the chances of one seem to be rising with every day.



    Just to clarify… My ‘ Like ‘ of the above post is for ‘some’ points and facts given on the EU that I happen to agree with, that’s all.

    so which points and facts are correct in our very intelligent man’s flood of information, all constructed in the xenophobic manner which is going to be vicious if, as could well be the case, we have another referendum???

    Just asking before giving a response to Mr Big Deal.

    By the way, it’s very sad that misunderstanding seems to be dogging our communications with each other, so let me stress that this isn’t an attempt to get at you, just in case you think it is.

    You seem to be distancing yourself from some of what our xenophobic mensa member is pushing out, but accept that some of it is true.

    That’s a fair enough point to make. I know you dislike the EU much more than I do (I’m not a fan, actually, I want reform).

    But if you say which points you agree with, it gives me a clearer idea of how to respond.



    If you were as altruistic as you claim, interested for young people you’d concern yourself with the three main areas that affect them which are housing, crime and jobs all of which are adversely affected by the EU and uncontrolled immigration. Englands the most populated country in Europe now behind Malta having recently overtaken Holland meaning house prices are pushed up, services are overstretched and wages are pushed down with many immigrants working for and below the minimum wage often sending money home when coming from Eastern Europe. These three areas are far more important than the left/right wing rhetoric you regurgitate on here daily like a sick parrot yet no mention of them anywhere.. just drawings of Trump and right wing attacks again.

    You must have your head so wrapped in anti-Islam propaganda that you can’t see what’s happening.

    You spend all your time telling everybody how intelligent you are, but this is one of the more dense responses to what’s going on that I’ve seen.

    Look at the news, man!!

    The government is falling apart and we may be on the eve of the biggest constitutional crisis since the Lords Reform crisis of 1910. We are in the midst of a very serious withdrawal from a trading arrangement which has affected and is going to affect the economy on which housing and jobs (and welfare, and health ) etc, as well as the UK’s strength in the world, and you claim that the first post isn’t important? :negative: :negative: :negative: :negative: :negative: :negative:

    I haven’t a clue what you are babbling on about- if you use news as evidence of your facts ( probably BBC in your case) you’re even thicker than I thought. Perhaps instead of hiding behind clichés you can explain how leaving the EU will harm housing , jobs for natives and crime figures instead of just generic statements on “trading arrangements ” ?

    Then read it again. It’s making a perfectly serious point. This post is in response to the deal that’s just been made.

    If a serious point is made and your response is to bury your head in a bucket of horse-shit by claiming you don’t understand, then how can I respond to the xenophobic rubbish you peddle as facts in your other post, Mr Big Deal?

    The deal is over 500 pages,   what the hell do you know about it or are you seriously stating you have read it all? Perhaps instead of the usual phrases you continually repeat you can summarise exactly which clauses you disagree with and reasons why.


    We had another vote a year later, in 2017, and the government effectively lost.

    They didn’t lose….

    The government lost their majority. As Ruthless pointed out, they depend on the DUP to govern, and now the DUP are withdrawing their support. Everything is changing now. We’re moving into a very different world than the one in 2016 where people blithely voted to leave under the illusion that we’ll all be int eh money and the NHS will be saved. We now have a deal, and it’s a mess. leaving wasn’t that easy, was it? We could be in the EU for years, taking their rules and paying into their budget.

    It’s all gone wrong, don’t you think??

    I actually still think May could win, and I’ve been depressing some of the people on FB by saying why. But certainly things look a bit grim for the government.

    If she loses the deal, then the chances of a new referendum are likely to become pretty strong, and will get stronger.


    The MPs can’t agree on what to do, and they’ll need to refer things back to the people. If they hold an election it will be on the basis that they have made a mess of it, so please re-elect us. You need 400 MPs to vote for Christmas. I rule nothing out, but I can’t see this.

    A new referendum, with the option to remain in the EU, is looking likely, at least for now.

    I am actually worried about this. The last referendum campaign is going to be like a polite church tea-party compared with the next one, and this time the Remainers are as angry and determined as an outraged Leave campaign will be..

    I think we should join the EEA, with Norway, and hold a second referendum on the basis of our experience after several years (like Norway).

    But I’m going to have as little say in this as you are. A referendum is by no means certain, but the chances of one seem to be rising with every day.

    As ” ruthless pointed out” , a poster which makes morg look like Winston Churchill in comparison lol.

    You claim to be pro EU but then use the EU as an implied negative part of the new deal saying we will be in it for years. Surely if you are so obsessed over being governed by Brussels that’s a positive instead of being the harbinger of doom implying it’s a negative facet of the new arrangement we have ? If the MPS cant agree what to do, why should  Mr Smith down the road know what to do exactly as he opens his butchers shop up? Your comment of “If they hold an election it will be on the basis that they have made a mess of it, so please re-elect us ” is possibly one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read on here. As if the Tory government will have a new election with the party manifesto ” please re elect us as we have fcked up, kind regards colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the lead piping :wacko:

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