Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show
26 November, 2018 at 10:42 am #1109947
not supporting free movement does not mean you are a racist ! as an example. I was actually saying it’s wrong to brand anyone Racist, Fascist, etc just because there opinion differs from yours.
I absolutely support both of these statements, though master Rude Boy will continue to claim the opposite.
If people who oppose free movement of labour are racists, then we are in dire trouble indeed.
Some oppose free movement of labour because they’re racists.
Most oppose it for the reasons Jamie gave, and she’s not a racist. They’re worried because they see the effects of austerity around them, and think that by bringing the UK out of the Single Market we will bring about a better country, even if we have to go through a perido of misery to do so.
I think that’s a delusion, but it’s not racist.
26 November, 2018 at 12:12 pm #1109948Healthy debate is good. Different opinions and angles thrown about are equally good, gives you food for thought even if you don’t fully agree but name calling in adulthood is so childish.
A different opinion is just that,it’s not a personal attack, sit back and remember that before typing in anger or annoyance.
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26 November, 2018 at 1:10 pm #1109950Nice to see you Kenty x
Scep you keep saying this is a ‘ Brexit heavy board , a Brexit heavy site ‘ that’s ridiculous, there’s only half a dozen posters !! I’ve no idea what the room is like ? That could be heavily in favour of remain ! You keep getting questions thrown at you because you keep putting threads up about Brexit that a few people who actually post disagree with !! You put up statements saying the end is nigh , predicting how terrible it will all be, how terribly terribly important it is that we stop and concern ourselves with it, now complain that your all on your own here !!!
Its just a chatsite with a message board, not a political forum. I think you under estimated how many normal, non racist, working people, not students, are in favour of Brexit ! A bit like they did in 2016 ! Don’t act all victimised because the responses to your threads are pro Brexit and come up with decent argument to support their views, that’s just childish as well
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26 November, 2018 at 1:13 pm #1109952Sceptical ” Hitler’s death camps, and the inhuman way of treating the ‘gypos’, was mentioned by me as the most bestial example of the attitude shown to the travelling community.If comments about the ‘gypos’ are made, especially in the vile and violent manner you use them, it’s worth remembering that the travellers were also the racial victims of the nazi death camps.I just really felt for Jamie having to put up with your filth about ‘gypos’. There is an ugly tradition behind hatred of travellers, and it goes back way, way beyond Hitler.Your general style here does make me wonder whether you were brought up like this. Was that the way your dad talked when you were growing up; maybe your mam too.I’ve seen pics of ‘gypo’ children who were involved in medical experiments by Dr Mengele in the camps. Truly chilling and upsetting – to a liberal snowflake like me, anyway.Actually, I think you’re too thick to be aware of the effect you have.”
All of the above direct quotes are from Mr EU on the Tony Martin thread.. nothing disproportional or melodramatic then about equating a thread talking about a gypsy being shot by Tony Martin to nazi death camps implying I have a swastika on my arm whilst rattling on about children being experimented on by Hitlers Dr Mengele.
It’s what Mrs S typically does, plucks a comment from a poster and twists it into a distorted exaggerated sweeping diatribe of melodramatic drivel feigning outrage at something he feels will engineer support from thick people who actually think someone is supporting nazi experimentation on children talking about Tony Martin
I remember last year a thread talking about religion ended up with Mrs S putting pictures of the ku klux klan up with continual references to views disagreeing with him implying they were members. It’s indicative of the modern times where any debate gets side tracked into having to defend yourself against these drama Queen accusations from people with a very low intelligence and no perspective or understanding what these phrases they peddle out actually mean.
26 November, 2018 at 1:38 pm #1109953I don’t live on here, as people are beginning to notice.
This is a brexit-heavy site, and a brexit-heavy board. There is no way that I’m going to persuade Gerry, Rude Boy, Mooosey, etc that we should remain.
Apart from occasional interventions by Paigey, who always makes succinct and sharp points, I’m the only one posting in support of Remain here, and if I were to answer every question fired at me I’d be living here at least, living in the Happy Farm for sure.
I’ll answer the questions in my time, not anyone else’s, and I’ll put up with the childish claims of victory by some when I don’t answer immediately. My ‘apologies’ for the delays.
I don’t live on here. I work and have a life ! Actually I’d like to alter my previous post. There aren’t even half a dozen posters on this subject. No you won’t change my mind. No idea about Ge or Rude, tbh I’m not even sure Ge has said what he voted , only that he saw flaws in your initial statements and subsequent arguments ! so basically yes it’s you against 3-4 with Jamie , Paige gets a nod for being succinct ( or on your side )
posting political threads is always going to be a Pandora’s Box, you really just have to suck it up Buttercup
26 November, 2018 at 1:54 pm #1109955Healthy debate is good. Different opinions and angles thrown about are equally good, gives you food for thought even if you don’t fully agree but name calling in adulthood is so childish.
A different opinion is just that,it’s not a personal attack, sit back and remember that before typing in anger or annoyance.
Really nice to see you back, Ms K.
Some pretty nasty comments have been made here, but I think you have a clear approach to debate.
I hope you join in the serious discussions here more.
26 November, 2018 at 2:05 pm #1109956Brexit-heavy is my experience.
By that I mean lop-sided. I’m virtually on my own here.
I have no complaints about that – I knew about it from the start. I knew because two years ago when the referendum was taking place, the overwhelming majority of people who posted, and the same goes for f3, were pro-Brexit. A lot more were posting on the boards about the subject, then, for obvious reasons.
I started this thread with my eyes open, and in the belief formed during the summer that this was going to end in tears, which is what’s happening.
I could also see the chances of a referendum taking place, though I didn’t think they were high at that time. They are a lot higher now – one of three options having an equal chance.
Silly to say I assume brexiteers are all racist and stupid. I never said, that, have just denied it. I guess I’ll continue to deny it until it’s all done, because I assume that’s what the brexiteers are going to say – politely or rudely. That’s part of their mindset.
But even then I am not going to be led along the route of posting here to answer every question whenever an answer is demanded. I get several points which need to be answered, then as I start to answer them I get insistent demands to hurry up within minutes, and I barely got the first one answered when (amidst some personal abuse), several new points are added. I’m not being pushed on to the bum’s rush.
Sorry, buttercup. I’ll answer when I want to answer, and that fits in with what else is going on in my life.
I’ve told you and will tell you what I’m going to answer. Suck it up, buttercup.
26 November, 2018 at 2:17 pm #1109957I have been following this thread, i dont generally care about politics (i should i know but its all just meh!) But brexit was something i voted on.
I voted to leave, i want change.
With hindsight, im not sure if id still vote to leave but i still think it could, eventually, be a good thing.
I have been signed off work recently, medical issues with depression, and going through the process of applying for universal credit.. thats an eye opener!
I have no objection to controlled immigration, if people come here, work their asses off to support their families elsewhere, good for them! Rather that than some self suffering layabout who thinks everyone owes him a living.
Immigration, housing, education and health care need monitoring, we are an island, there will be a point where we break.
Im not racist, homophobic or a xenophobe but i am proud of being british…
26 November, 2018 at 2:21 pm #1109959Nice post, Nem.
I don’t agree with it all, but I’m glad some people are following the debate, and seeing through all the personal rubbish to get to the points made.
26 November, 2018 at 2:35 pm #1109961This, and the tony martin thread, have really got my attention. There are some really good points being made amongst all the dick waving.
Brexit isnt about alienating people or exluding them, its about fighting for, and protecting whats ours.
This is a huge gamble, leaving the EU but personally i think it has too many flaws in it to remain. Sure, it will be tough and we will probably be made an example of but i voted for change, if it turns out to be worse then so be it.
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