Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show

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  • #1109893


    The facts by experts in the field. For anyone interested in how the EU pursues a Thatcherite neoliberal monetary agenda, enforced ‘austerity’ which predominantly targets the sick, the disabled, the poor and the working classes and how EU policy started eroding and dismantling union rights across Europe and all from a ‘left wing’ perspective.











    Another lazy link.

    Read it properly, you jerk.

    It’s pro-EU, calling for a change of policy to prevent the ECB and other institutions weakening of union rights and living standards caused by the austerity policies imposed in the UK.

    This can only be done on a EU-wide basis.

    Will you never stop posting these pro-EU links?

    I agree with every word of it.

    :wacko: :wacko:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by  sceptical guy.


    I did read it properly old man, I contributed to it.


    Now repeat your bullshit that the EU protects workers rights and is left wing.





    so which are you???Aristea Koukiadaki, the Senior Lecturer at Manchester University? or Isabel Tavora of Manchester Uni? Or are you Miguel Martinez Lucio, a Professor (no less) at Manchester Uni??

    I am very impressed!! A man who started as a building labourer who went to Ruskin College (you should be rightly proud of having gone to this trade union-founded college), talent-spotted and recruited by Merton College, the University of Oxford, and proceeding to write a path-breaking defence of the Nazi killer of Jo Cox which would have won you a first class mark at Ruskin – if it had been submitted to Ruskin. *literally amazed at that botched-up piece of argument, from which you ran like hell when its idiocies were pointed out..

    You are a busy man, combining this type of research with abuse of jamie and everyone else at JC, hanging around the JC chatrooms all day and night, consumed with an incoherent hatred of anything that moved sometimes.


    Well, as you’re such a prestigious academic, could you please spell out clearly and without abuse (I know the latter is probably impossible for you, Professor Smashface) the puzzle I have with your article?

    The article, and so you your good self, is very aware of the European Charter of Social Rights, and the European Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the Worker. These are the building bricks of a social Europe.

    They, and your good self, argue (rightly) that the policies of UK austerity now being applied by the ECB etc directly threaten these building blocks.

    They (and your good self, as you are one of them) don’t attack the EU. They attack the policies of the ECB, appeal to the IMF for its research, and argue that “the measures contravene the right to collective bargaining, as recognised by the ILO Conventions, the European Convention of Human Rights, the European Social Charter but also the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU itself”.


    So you’ve written a pro-EU document, Professor, and are using it to attack the EU.

    Oh, dear. This doesn’t go against my question to master Rude Boy one iota. Or if it does, Professor, you can explain – clearly and without abuse, as a professor can.


    Or your real name isn’t Walter Bloody Mitty by any chance???

    No, surely not! Surely not!!! That would turn you into a liar and a buffoon, wouldn’t it?



    Lol, More LOUD blagging by the resident bullshitter, alongside the ad hominem personal attacks. Envy in action, petty jealousy and lots of blurb that means nothing.



    I repeat, based on a blog link I posted, that I personally contributed to, that you agreed with every word, repeat your bullshit that the EU currently protects workers rights and is left wing.


    It’s not a difficult question, even for you Geoff.







    Seriously, are you drunk?

    You contributed to the research??

    Or you contributed by posting this link to a blog??

    It’s a pro-EU article, Gerry, attacking the policies of EU monetary institutions as undermining the EU’s fundamental principles. These policies have to be opposed on a EU-wide basis.It’s absolutely right in its analysis.


    Read it, Professor Mitty – read it soberly – and if you don’t see that it’s pro-EU. then you’re really not up to informed debate, which I am strongly suspecting.

    Waiting for Master Rudeboy to respond to my clarification, made at his request, because a serious response from this character is ruled out.

    One very serious point has been made =- by Ms M, on the Treaty of Lisbon – and to deal with this I’m ignoring the abuse of our charlatan professor as long as nothing serious is said by him – and it so rarely is said.



    I can’t be arsed waiting for ‘LOOK AT ME’ to compose another hysterical tirade. :)


    In one breathe dopey bollocks violently argues that the mighty EU saves us from ‘Thatcherism’ and the worst excesses of neoliberalism and the nasty tories and the nasty ‘right wing’.


    Then evidence is presented, that dopey bollocks agrees with word for word, that in fact the opposite has happened and that the mighty EU has in fact adopted Thatcherism monetary policy, is going further than Thatcher ever dreamt off (TTIP CETA etc) and that EU enforced austerity has consigned millions of young Europeans to the scrap heap, just like Thatcher did and just like Thatcher did the mighty EU is also busy eroding and dismantling workers rights.


    Job done i’d say.





    Seriously, are you drunk?

    You contributed to the research??

    Or you contributed by posting this link to a blog??

    It’s a pro-EU article, Gerry, attacking the policies of EU monetary institutions as undermining the EU’s fundamental principles. It’s absolutely right 9apart from the lazy use of neo-liberalis, though that’s neither here nor there)

    Read it – read it soberly – and if you don’t see that . then you’re really not up to informed debate, which I am strongly suspecting.

    Waiting for Master Rudeboy to respond to my clarification, made at his request, because a serious response from this character is ruled out.

    You haven’t read, not understood the article in context, you’re a sloth who reacts emotionally rather than responds objectively.


    End of.




    Jeez :wacko:   :wacko:   :wacko:


    if anyone other than this buffoon disagrees, please explain and I’ll either answer or I’ll admit I was wrong.



    Jeez :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

    if anyone other than this buffoon disagrees, please explain and I’ll either answer or I’ll admit I was wrong.

    Still avoiding the question while you get up to your usual tricks. Known as Slippery for good reason.


    Tick tock tick tock.





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