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22 August, 2010 at 1:27 am #446129
thats exactly what i was asking you, abt that being the whole idea of eduaction, should they be denied it as alot with difficulties never will reach an examination level, so if thats the whole idea of it why would they waste the time and money doing it ?
I believe you actually said kids are taught how to pass exams. Yes they are be being taught knowledge and an exam at the end is a test of that knowledge. To be able to pass that exam is the ultimate aim of academic and vocational education as it currently stands in schools and further education colleges.
In an ideal world, all kids would pass all their exams but the reality is they don’t and won’t and that is for a variety of reasons. Even the brightest kid can go to pieces and flunk an exam, where a kid who has under achieved / not shown promise may put the effort in at exam time and achieve a pass.
Teachers cannot legislate for what is going to happen in an exam so they have to give every kid a level playing field.
And a lot of kids with learning difficulties go on to achieve exam success because there is a greater understanding of the causes and help is available for their exams.
22 August, 2010 at 7:17 am #446130Education-Education-Education…….Blah-Blah-Blah !
They will carry on teaching your children only what they want them to know. All this non-sense about Education, why is it half of history is concealed and people only ever get to the actual truth through forced retrieval or whistle blowers ? Why is it that they have been giving Sex Education yet we rank up on high regarding teen STD`s and pregnancy ?
Rubbish ! ! ! Education has been taken over by the politicals, they will continue to enshrine and indoctrinate children as they always have. Do you think they teach children about Usury. The trouble is, people get so machine like at times and switch on at 8am and switch over at 5pm. This country, a Christian country, wants to have Laws, Regulations and Education with a built in Christian ethos ????
So today children, we will be focusing on the financial system, hands up everyone who knows what “ interest rates “ contribute to our daily lives ?
Yes Winston, carry on….! :)
They are indoctrinating your children, Each and every one of us has been tricked and manoeuvred into a Huge system of wheels and cogs, yearly churning out Ba~stard kids and tip-top graduates who will leave Britain as soon as they can… It’s a sign of Brilliance, the actual mechanism of this elitism. You can only tip your hat to the power of thought that give birth to it…Brilliance sometimes takes us to places we really don’t want to be at …You can lead a horse to water etc…..Educate them 24/7…… Not very much use if the Content is spiked22 August, 2010 at 8:08 am #446131Yes, it’s true Gaz that kids are only taught what the powers that be want them to know. You only need look at the Creationism v Evolution debate to see that.
Couldn’t agree more about indoctrination – that is there from the cradle to the grave and serves to prove we are not truely free.
Why is it that they have been giving Sex Education yet we rank up on high regarding teen STD`s and pregnancy ?
I think that is more due to the fact they can get social housing if they have a kid and benefits rather than not knowing about sex. Take those little perks away you will soon see the teen pregnancy rate plummet.
You can lead a horse to water etc…..Educate them 24/7…… Not very much use if the Content is spiked
I agree with that although I think religious indoctrination creating extremists is far more dangerous.
22 August, 2010 at 8:21 am #446132Some People might be interested in this, i think it relates. It cannot be denied that despite the years of systematic mind bending having taken effect, we have to undergo the
” media ” input, not just in terms of advertisement but, entertainment, sport etc…..A typical example of Media persuation can be shown here >>
two Israeli groups have set up training courses in subversive Wikipedia editing aiming to ‘show the other side’ of the Jewish State.
Those who lend their pen to the Palestinian cause know about Wikipedia Jews, a term that was coined a few years ago. It refers to a bunch of rabid and crypto Zionists who constantly vandalise encyclopaedia entries to do with Palestine, Palestinian
Just who is to be trusted ? :roll:
22 August, 2010 at 8:29 am #446133@gazlan wrote:
Some People might be interested in this, i think it relates. It cannot be denied that despite the years of systematic mind bending having taken effect, we have to undergo the
” media ” input, not just in terms of advertisement but, entertainment, sport etc…..A typical example of Media persuation can be shown here >>
two Israeli groups have set up training courses in subversive Wikipedia editing aiming to ‘show the other side’ of the Jewish State.
Those who lend their pen to the Palestinian cause know about Wikipedia Jews, a term that was coined a few years ago. It refers to a bunch of rabid and crypto Zionists who constantly vandalise encyclopaedia entries to do with Palestine, Palestinian
Just who is to be trusted ? :roll:
Not sure you can fully trust stuff on the internet unless from a bona fide source but Wiki is prone to attacks as it allows Joe Public to edit it..
22 August, 2010 at 8:38 am #446134Yes, and joe publics comments will be edited to slant one particular way… Advertisement, Propaganda…BBC…it`s everywhere, Because it`s profit, it also Educates and feeds the starving masses…Next thing, they will start spiking our food :o :shock:
22 August, 2010 at 10:46 am #446135@panda12 wrote:
but i do feel teaching is now as mims said is alot more directed at exam result achievements,
That is the whole idea! :roll:
#-oBut it maybe shouldn’t be. To just teach so that people pass exams misses out information that might provide a more well rounded understanding of a subject. I guess it has always been like this since the education system involved passing exams to measure achievement, but the skill base is highly weighted on the skills needed to get maximum points. This is a skill, and a very useful one, but I wonder whether learning how to pass exams, to answer questions in such a way as to get maximum results, is really an education? No doubt it will set all children who achieve good results well on their way to an academic future, but do they learn how to analyse and think for themselves? Do they all read round subjects they are studying to gain a deeper insight? There is no doubt that you have to be able to absorb knowledge and understand your subject to be able to pass the exams in the first place, and I am not saying that children that get good grades are not intelligent. I just wonder if they are transferrable skills and being able to pass exams does not always indicate that one child is more intelligent than another. Some exceptionally clever people are cr@p at passing exams. Does this kind of education squash the natural talents in some children?
22 August, 2010 at 11:15 am #446136Does this kind of education squash the natural talents in some children?
Yes unfortunately but, theres X factor and big brother to aim for dont forget :D
22 August, 2010 at 11:56 am #446137But it maybe shouldn’t be. To just teach so that people pass exams misses out information that might provide a more well rounded understanding of a subject. I guess it has always been like this since the education system involved passing exams to measure achievement, but the skill base is highly weighted on the skills needed to get maximum points. This is a skill, and a very useful one, but I wonder whether learning how to pass exams, to answer questions in such a way as to get maximum results, is really an education? No doubt it will set all children who achieve good results well on their way to an academic future, but do they learn how to analyse and think for themselves? Do they all read round subjects they are studying to gain a deeper insight? There is no doubt that you have to be able to absorb knowledge and understand your subject to be able to pass the exams in the first place, and I am not saying that children that get good grades are not intelligent. I just wonder if they are transferrable skills and being able to pass exams does not always indicate that one child is more intelligent than another. Some exceptionally clever people are cr@p at passing exams. Does this kind of education squash the natural talents in some children?
GCSEs and A Levels involve studying a curriculum for two years – a lot is taught in those two years with approx 9 subjects at GCSE and 3 – 4 at a Level.
Children are taught to analyze information and think for themselves and develop their own arguments and theories. These are transferable skills they will use throughout their life.
From my experience of non scientific subjects such as history, English literature, sociology etc there is no wrong or right answer – grades are awarded on how they present their argument and the evidence they use to back it up.
Many essay questions will ask a question such as “The Chartists were a well organized movement. Discuss” or “Do you agree Karl Marx was right when he said religion is the opium of the people?”
These are open questions, invite the kid to express their opinion / interpretation and present their argument.
At A Level kids are given extra reading to do and encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of the subject.
GCSEs and A Levels are now a mixture of exam and coursework thereby taking away the reliance on kids having to just pass a timed exam making it a fairer process all round.
22 August, 2010 at 1:56 pm #446138There always needs to be some form of curriculum, a target to aim for, a focus, and exams give that and judge results and achievements from it. It wouldnt work without, but schools and people shouldnt be judged on this alone. I think offsted visits and reports are good in that aspect they give an indication on both the schools performance and the kids views, and a good exam result level in the school, indicates good teaching, but as both panda and mims stated very clever kids can flunk exams due to personal situations or nerves or probably many other reasons. Same in the reverse the not so high achieving to that point can cram revise and actually do better than expected. But i also agree that education shouldnt just be about reaching these achievements alone, but an all round education of giving kids ways to think for themselves, moral guidance, religious guidance, ethical guidance, these cant really be monitored by exam results, but will indeed result in well rounded educated kids. And yes Panda i do have kids and like any parent i would be proud of whatever academic achievement made, but i would prefer my child to be a warm, caring, loving, open minded, well rounded, respectful, hard working, human being whatever academic level they reached, that for me being secondary, which i guess is the point im trying to make, academically achievement is great, but to do the best for our kids that shouldnt be the sole aim in life, even in schools.
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