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  • #360095

    im having a great wee night to myself on bbc4.. boys from blackstuff etc.. and the next one is a film ” my dad was a communist” about the liverpool working class writers including willy russel,carla lane,phil redmond and alan bleasdale. looks good..

    *footnote* I did NOT know this, but a heck of a lot of blackstuff was improvised. Im not on about the artistic licence to fart etc. Bleasdale let them add, and film THEIR own words,anecdotes,dreams and memories.. hence it being damm moving!


    @rubyred wrote:

    awww just watched a charming little “willy russel” film ,made originally for the Play for Today series. OUr day out, about a group of schoolkids taken away from the slums of liverpool, to Wales for the day. Gentle ,but thought provoking too. I seen this first back in the late 70’s.
    some fine comedic moments, and some damm lump in the throat stuff.

    I love play for today. Even when i was a bit young to understand the politics and sub-plots going on at same time. Was GREAT too see this again, and some fine acting .Mainly from Alun Armstrong as the strict teacher, that showed a soft side eventually, and let his hair down. then the cruelness of the closing credits where he deliberatley ruined the film of photographs of the day,and him driving past the wee lassie, whose life he had saved at the Welsh Beach. Emotional.. though not in a weepy way.

    Ive seen that!

    Id love to see it again, what channel was it on?


    bbc4 shaz,, I had a braw wee night to myself last night. Its to tie in with Liverpool being the city of Culture. seemingly it was repeated in the early 90’s too, that prob when you saw it. yeah it was a charming little film,gentle yet through provoking. Willy Russel at his finest.


    I shall look out for a re-showing then, would love to see that again x


    Rubes… just read that Paddy is going to be in a one off drama with Uma Thurman on Wednesday BBc2 at 9pm, about addiction and the effects it has on three people. Sounds worth a watch I think.


    i will watch that too hen x.. thanks for the tip x


    yer welcome, will gee you a nod again nearer the time x


    i want to sing !!! i want to hold my head back and sing.. i been singing all night.

    i love singing ..


    @rubyred wrote:

    i want to sing !!! i want to hold my head back and sing.. i been singing all night.

    i love singing ..

    sing to me, my lovely x

    Im off to bed, but same as last night, will not sleep, but will sing in my head.

    Or I will try… anything to beat thinking…


    Just watched Rob Roy, brilliant film!

    Now Im gonna batter the feck out of Dave for being English… the swine!

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