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    eek see above, sent ye a wee clip..


    I will have to watch them tomorrow now, cos Ive got the speakers off, and the only person Ive ever been able to lip read properly is Ian Wright and I somehow doubt he has a role in it!


    Just watched Shane Meadows Dead Mans Shoes.


    Cheers for the nugde on that one Rubes xx 8)


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Just watched Shane Meadows Dead Mans Shoes.


    Cheers for the nugde on that one Rubes xx 8)

    I watched it as well. For the 4th time actually. and even though i know the ending :) it gets me everytime ! Paddy Consodine was ever soo intense as the Brother home from the Army, racked with guilt. His wee brother following him about,and the revenge .. OUCH ..! the bit where the gang first approached him, and he told Anthony to stand down the road a wee bit.. and he never flinched ! just THAT gaze ! that manic gaze into the eyes of his wee brothers persecutors !

    scary. ! but more topical now than ever ! and the Elephant man eyes :)

    flegs me EVERY time !


    agreed, this was the performance that made me rate Paddy Considine a cut above. I believe he co-wrote the screenplay too. I’ve watched him in Backwoods with Gary Oldman this week, and also in The Martins, and am favourably impressed by him in such different roles.


    aye Class TB.. x


    so that main guy back from the army hellbent on revenge, is he the one who is in the new guy ritchie flick? I didnt catch the name, but it said he was a star in Dead Mans Shoes?

    Im making Dave watch it later, me and the spotty teenager watched it together last night, and hardly even spoke, it was that intense!

    What a movie, and I will have to seek out those others that Toy mentions above. 8)


    yeah shaz , Paddy has appeared in a lot of Guy ritchies work. and as TB said , he wrote the original Dead mans shoes. He and Ritchie met years ago at some performing arts course,and are best mates even now.

    no bad for a wee working class laddie eh ? :)


    Nice to see isnt it?

    I love a good brit flick! 8)


    awww just watched a charming little “willy russel” film ,made originally for the Play for Today series. OUr day out, about a group of schoolkids taken away from the slums of liverpool, to Wales for the day. Gentle ,but thought provoking too. I seen this first back in the late 70’s.
    some fine comedic moments, and some damm lump in the throat stuff.

    I love play for today. Even when i was a bit young to understand the politics and sub-plots going on at same time. Was GREAT too see this again, and some fine acting .Mainly from Alun Armstrong as the strict teacher, that showed a soft side eventually, and let his hair down. then the cruelness of the closing credits where he deliberatley ruined the film of photographs of the day,and him driving past the wee lassie, whose life he had saved at the Welsh Beach. Emotional.. though not in a weepy way.

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