Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Bring back the death penalty

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  • #224484

    @Magoo wrote:

    Oh you’re so clever Drivel… I’ve never come up against a wind up merchant before. Thing is kiddo I know the difference between someone trying to have a giggle and someone that has to defend themselves as only winding up when in essence it’s due to their total lack of any substance. You spout off about anything without any explanation, and when you have nothing to come back with you were only winding up… as I said before, I’ve never seen that excuse before. It’s a toss up between you and Ugo as to who is the biggest fool on here.

    Magoo – I very much doubt you know the difference between your ass and your elbow – why do you need an explanation for everything . I never said I was winding you up – just that you don’t know when you are being wound up
    I believe in Capital and Corporal punishment and also the War in Iraq
    You claim that we are a civilised society – if civilised means letting murderers rapists and the likes out of prison after a few years – then I’d rather have something less civilised
    Lets forget about prison being a place to rehabilitate offenders – on the whole , I don’t think it does – they should be for punishment . Do the crime – do the time
    As far as I am concerned a dead rapist or murderer can’t commit the offence again
    There would obviously have to be different degrees of Murder – your example before of someone accidentally killing a person in a car accident wouldn’t warrant the same punishment as a guy stabbing someone in cold blood




    @Magoo wrote:

    @Magoo wrote:

    Why don’t we mean life when someone is convicted? And what’s more why don’t we lock these animals in a solitary confinement cage for the rest of their lives? Never to communicate again. Basic humanitarian needs and thats there lot. I would rather see these animals suffer in this way then put them out of their misery nice and quickly.

    And I would rather have a level headed judgement about punishment then shout ‘hang the bastards!’ every time we see henious crimes, because lets face it… you ain’t gonna get your wish!

    @drivel wrote:

    Mamby pamby liberal do-gooders lead by Geoff rambling on again

    Every time you blow out yer arse with your inane and inept comments you either have to label people or you read selectively or do both, or you are just to plain thick to take anything in before you spout.

    Perhaps if you stopped making accusations on people that do not agree with you then you might find you will be taken seriously. But I won’t hold my breath, I don’t believe you have the capacity to respect other views without the childish name calling.

    What’s wrong with labelling people ??

    I’m not gonna defend myself again against your puerile accusations –

    As far as childish name callings go – read back a few of your posts

    What’s up with you do you not like other people having an opinion that contradicts yours –
    I have my views I stick to them

    If you and Pikey are happy in your mutual admiration society them I’m happy for you 2

    ohh sorry – someone else agreed with you – yes it was DOA – says it all doesn’t it !!!


    Do you get the feeling this site is full of kids or wot?



    (In all seriousness, it’s far much better to let them rot in a cell for the rest of their lives – Imagine the torture of being stuck in the same room for 50-60 years, no technology, no decent food, only water and very basic nutrients to keep you alive just so you can suffer seeing the same 4 walls when you wake up again in the morning. ) end of quote.

    Yes Tommy I totally agree with you there. The thing is, we know that wont happen. They will be given a nice clean bed to sleep in every night, instead of a smelly old blanket on a concrete floor with a scratchy old fleabitten blanket. They,ll be given 3 decent meals every day, instead of the lukewarm lumpy porridge and stale bread and water they should be given and a decent evening meal, instead of the bread and water they should get. They,ll also have access to a bathroom with a loo and sink to wash in, instead of a hole in the ground to shyte in and a standpipe with only cold water coming out of it and a rusty old bucket to put it in. They,ll be able to watch telly, and have access to a games room and probably computers too. When in reality they should be locked up for at least 23 hours a day, with nothing to do except stare at 4 blank concrete walls, painted magnolia, NO pictures of ANY kind, newpapers or even a clock. That way at least there would be some satisfaction in knowing this monster would be driven slowly insane for the rest of his miserable worthless existence, but again, we know, because the law in this country is a bloody joke, it wont happen. So in this case, ie the rape of a 12 WEEK old baby girl, a slow painful execution would be in order, and I,d happily carry it out and p*ss myself laughing whilst I did it. Imagine the screams of that poor baby, who wouldnt want that sick, twisted evil monster to suffer? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


    @drivel wrote:

    If you and Pikey are happy in your mutual admiration society

    :lol: Just for the record, Drivel, if I laugh below one of Geoff’s posts it’s usually safest to assume I’m laughing at him rather than with him.

    I have no real moral problem with the retribution of state executions. Mine is purely a practical objection. While there was obviously incontrovertible proof in this particular case, the law doesn’t demand that level in all cases; simply that the case is proved beyond reasonable doubt. Back when we had the death penalty innocent people undoubtedly went to their dooms. Similarly, since we abolished the death penalty, there have been cases that would have resulted in executions, had that sanction still stood, where the people were later found to be innocent.

    That is the only thing that makes the death penalty unconscionable to me.


    @pikey wrote:

    @drivel wrote:

    If you and Pikey are happy in your mutual admiration society

    :lol: Just for the record, Drivel, if I laugh below one of Geoff’s posts it’s usually safest to assume I’m laughing at him rather than with him.

    I have no real moral problem with the retribution of state executions. Mine is purely a practical objection. While there was obviously incontrovertible proof in this particular case, the law doesn’t demand that level in all cases; simply that the case is proved beyond reasonable doubt. Back when we had the death penalty innocent people undoubtedly went to their dooms. Similarly, since we abolished the death penalty, there have been cases that would have resulted in executions, had that sanction still stood, where the people were later found to be innocent.

    That is the only thing that makes the death penalty unconscionable to me.

    I apologise in that case

    Anyway I’m for the death penalty in certain cases – as well as it being dependant on the level of proof
    I can’t understand how folks can argue that the death penalty is any more inhumane than putting someone in SC for ever on bread and water . To me that’s more inhumane and a total waste of money



    What really baffles me in cases like this is where the judge in the case, states life, then says that he’ll be eligible for parole in a little over 5 years time. 5 years isn’t life, so why then do they use this term.

    Matthew Wright …….on channel 5’s the Wrightstuff, this morning, said that although he’d be eligible for parole in 5 and a bit years, doesn’t mean he’d get it. He did last time though didn’t he!! This animal was just over 2 weeks OFF license, where he didn’t have to report in and went on to commit this despicable crime, which lets not forget, will live with the child in question for the rest of HER! life……. Another thing they discussed on the show was that being unable to lock up these people for the rest of their lives, and the fact that it’s an illness, and they can’t help themselves, see this kind of action as ”normal” then maybe the answer would be for them to be ”chemically castrated”, this in itself would at least take away any sexual desires they may have and hopefully stopping known peadophiles like this one from committing any further acts such as this. If this isn’t done, to this man in particular, when and if in 5 + years time he’s parolled, it wont be long before he’s re-arrested, because he WILL!!! do it again, he’s already proved that. The next time tho, he may well go further, and commit murder to cover his tracks!!!


    @drivel wrote:

    I’m for the death penalty in certain cases – as well as it being dependant on the level of proof
    I can’t understand how folks can argue that the death penalty is any more inhumane than putting someone in SC for ever on bread and water . To me that’s more inhumane and a total waste of money

    A few years ago, Stefan Kiszko who had confessed to raping and murdering a young girl was released, thanks to the advancement in forensic science.

    There is no halfway house when it comes to the death penalty.
    Better that ten guilty men go free than execute one innocent man!


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @drivel wrote:

    I’m for the death penalty in certain cases – as well as it being dependant on the level of proof
    I can’t understand how folks can argue that the death penalty is any more inhumane than putting someone in SC for ever on bread and water . To me that’s more inhumane and a total waste of money

    A few years ago, Stefan Kiszko who had confessed to raping and murdering a young girl was released, thanks to the advancement in forensic science.

    There is no halfway house when it comes to the death penalty.
    Better that ten guilty men go free than execute one innocent man!

    Well if the stupid sod confessed to murder when he didn’t do it – he deserves what he gets !!
    One things for sure if you hang them -they won’t be committing any crimes any more

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