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  • #995645

    Boris is about to show that all the Brexit voters can go and get stuffed. His government of London was regulation-lite and allowed rich Russian oligarchs etc to make London unaffordable for Londoners. He’s now about to do the same for the UK.

    He and Gove are starting to say that they want more immigrants in, not less.

    Daniel Hannan, the leading Tory MEP, said just now that nobody said there would be less immigrants. Boris, backed by Gove, says he is immigrant-friendly and Britain will be open-armed to Europe

    But regulation-lite – bothersome red tape like minmum wages and saftey regulations? Turn a blind eye, like they do to the gangmasters of East Anglia.

    Apart from rising prices at the petrol pumps from next week, (and check out those shopping prices soon!), people are going to realise there’s no more jobs for them, and that the money coming into schools and education may not be very much, may be less as time goes on.

    How long before they begin to ask just what in hell were they voting for?

    Controlled borders? Sure!! Controlled by gangmasters and low-wage bosses.

    What a cynical right-wing Tory coup is taking place.


    Hi Sceppypoohs xx nice to see you standing your ground on the boards….shame about the abuse here and the room….

    One thing I’ve noticed come out of this is what a bunch of @rseholes lots can be…….I understand it is a passionate subject to most but we live in a democracy …people voted as they wished….so why the hell are we trying to start internal wars ? Accept others reasons and opinions and respect them as human beings and not the enemy……both sides have been guilty of this…….you wanted what’s best for our country yet you cannot love thy neighbour…..
    One thing that has upset me is my youngest sons feelings…..he was very shocked I voted out… lots of youngsters he feels betrayed…..betrayed by your own parents…..can’t be a nice feeling…..for lots of kids his age (20) this is probably the first time they’ve felt this way…….you expect your parents to protect you….take your side…….all his friends voted in and all the parents voted out…….
    Hopefully in a few years they will understand fully our reasons…..but we didn’t have a family feud

    Other reports in the news were lots of Polish people feeling unwanted in this country… answer to that…..get over it, you haven’t been here long and you will always feel that way…..I was born here and get treated differently and I’m 51 years old…unfortunately it is part of being a foreigner….
    I’m not asking for sympathy because fcuk knows I would never get it here anyway :yes: I’m merely making random comments or talking random bolloks :yahoo:
    And………I didn’t want your thread feeling lonely Sceppy xx


    And if all this happens the electorate won’t vote them out ?


    Hi Sceppypoohs xx nice to see you standing your ground on the boards….shame about the abuse here and the room….

    One thing I’ve noticed come out of this is what a bunch of @rseholes lots can be…….I understand it is a passionate subject to most but we live in a democracy …people voted as they wished….so why the hell are we trying to start internal wars ? Accept others reasons and opinions and respect them as human beings and not the enemy……both sides have been guilty of this…….you wanted what’s best for our country yet you cannot love thy neighbour…..
    One thing that has upset me is my youngest sons feelings…..he was very shocked I voted out… lots of youngsters he feels betrayed…..betrayed by your own parents…..can’t be a nice feeling…..for lots of kids his age (20) this is probably the first time they’ve felt this way…….you expect your parents to protect you….take your side…….all his friends voted in and all the parents voted out…….
    Hopefully in a few years they will understand fully our reasons…..but we didn’t have a family feud

    Other reports in the news were lots of Polish people feeling unwanted in this country… answer to that…..get over it, you haven’t been here long and you will always feel that way…..I was born here and get treated differently and I’m 51 years old…unfortunately it is part of being a foreigner….
    I’m not asking for sympathy because fcuk knows I would never get it here anyway :yes: I’m merely making random comments or talking random bolloks :yahoo:
    And………I didn’t want your thread feeling lonely Sceppy xx

    Thanks for your kind thoughts, Ms K.

    I am sorry to hear about your son’s upset, and I’m glad a family feud has been avoided.

    I am getting the increasing sense that your won’s worries may be ended soon., but I don’t think either Pete or you will be as happy as me.

    There is likely to be an almighty scream from Farage and the anti-immigrant section of the electorate, but the Norway solution now looks more and more likely to end the deepening crisis.

    The country did vote for an end of Britain’s membership of the EU. It didn’t vote for an end to more or less full access to the Single Market, and it didn’t vote for an end to immigration.

    All the sings are pointing to the rapid settlement of this by replacing full membership of the EU with full access to the Single Market and and free movement of labour.

    The political consequences will have to be seen.


    It voted for immigration control not an end to it and we’re the fifth richest country in world they want our trade our money, Norway is a mere minnow as far as bargaining power goes


    Pete, the EU is not in the giving mood to us. We had quite a privilged position (rebates, not in the eurozone, not part of Schengen – and that’s all about to go.

    The EU is the biggest single economy in the world – we need a trading relationship with it, and when I say the Norway option I mean full access to the Single Market.

    We’ve spent 40 years embedding ourselves in it. It’s going to be a very painful process, and I’m sure that we can win some positions. But we have no idea at all what our trading policy will be – it’s something I was far from alone in my complaints about Leave. We’ll be working on the hoof wiht an angry opponet, ratehr than a partner aware of what we can bring.

    We will probably not be the fifth largest economy in the world as time goes. The world credit rating agencies are already downgrading us, and predicting an abrupt downturn of our economy. We may not be in such a strong bargaining position as you think. Nobody can foretell the future, but casting ourselves into a boat without a sail in the hope of reachng the land of milk and honey across the mediterranean of world trade is not reassuring.

    The terms of trade are now against us – the fall of sterling is seeing that, but once tariff walls come up we’ll be seeing it much more. Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin are now bidding to replace London as the conduit for capital from outside Europe to enter the Europeanc apital markets. The supermarkets are going tob e the first to be hit.

    I’m sure (well, I think) the Uk won’t collapse, but we’ll be poorer and weaker now.

    How many referendums will it take for the young, who voted overwhelmingly to remain, are going to realise that the old really, really hate them?

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