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2 July, 2018 at 2:21 pm #1099633
Boing, boing…
With not long left to negotiate, we still don’t know which side of the cabinet is going to screw up the negotiations.
6 6
But wait, Mrs May the Rubber Woman has come up with a plan!
Could this be the deus ex machina we are waiting for?
tick tock
2 July, 2018 at 3:04 pm #1099638Meanwhile, in the real world the liberal EU Mafia is still churning out fake news and misinformation in a desperate attempt to derail the democratic decision of the British electorate.
“The EU has been accused of putting the lives of the world’s poorest at risk after warning off British development organisations from involvement in its humanitarian aid programmes by claiming they would lose all funding in the event of the a no-deal Brexit.
Officials working under Martin Selmayr, the most senior aide to the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, have inserted disclaimers in aid contracts warning UK NGOs that they will be dropped as a partner in programmes should Britain crash out of the EU next year…”
But the commission – which has recently increased efforts to prepare for a no-deal scenario – has been accused of over-reaching. It emerged that British aid programme providers should still remain eligible for many contracts, due to the UK’s membership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, an intergovernmental body.
2 July, 2018 at 5:35 pm #1099645wow, Gerry,
*rubs eyes
a post which is relevant and has no personal attacks or obscenities.
What’s going on?? Has my absence made you less angry???
keep it up, you may get a genuine debate going which will benefit everybody.
Not sure how the EU bureaucrats are a mafia or liberal, but they are certainly playing hardball. They’re making it clear that we can expect no mercy in the upcoming negotiations, aren’t they? Their attitudes to policing and the Galileo system of satellite technology (more important than the title betrays) underlines this.
Their real world certainly makes the British mafia appear out of any real world, but that would be a mistake. People like Ian Duncan Smith and Jacob Rees-Moniker are very clear what they want. They have a Plan B!
Next meeting in the countdown is the Unite decision tomorrow on a second referendum. I’m agin it personally, but it would be very nice for we Remoaners if the resolution is passed. There would be consequences *fingers crossed
2 July, 2018 at 5:52 pm #1099647a post which is relevant and has no personal attacks or obscenities.
I promised to put up some blinds for my 86 year old neighbour tonight and put up some blinds I will and when I return, I will expose your hypocrisy, you horrible aggressive man.
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3 July, 2018 at 6:26 am #1099652I have a question for the brexiteers
As I understand the person or country with the best negotiating hand has the upper hand
The EU has the single market which as we know is a very strong hand to have
So my question is what makes brexiteers think Britain had anything remotely as strong as access to untariffed trade from the rest of europe
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3 July, 2018 at 8:42 pm #1099694Or the persons or person who gets paid the most and has the most influence paigey…..i mean……when did you last see a home less person as prime Minister offering to sort the problems out?…it’s normally people with plenty of money and influence who want more money and influence who tell every one what should be done…..
4 July, 2018 at 11:06 am #1099725So my question is what makes brexiteers think Britain had anything remotely as strong as access to untariffed trade from the rest of europe
im not very good at politics as you all know. i would have most of you lot breaking rocks on a chain gang on a very northerly remote scottish island for the rest of your lives if i were dictator of the uk. im not interested in being prime minister.
anyway someone please correct me if i am wrong but doesnt brexit mean we will now have UNRESTRICTED trade with usa japan and china, the big 3, as well as the rest of the world? rather than EU restricted and pre-allocated trade we had in the EU?
surely if that is the case it will offset the costs of brexit and trading with a pricey eu.
4 July, 2018 at 11:24 am #1099732Not sure any one can correct you as no one knows…..LOLOL
4 July, 2018 at 11:25 am #1099733They’re making it clear that we can expect no mercy in the upcoming negotiations, aren’t they?
I would say that in itself was good reason to leave.
Why can’t we have an amicable divorce and amicable settlements?
In a do gooder lefty world, shouldn’t the EU be helpful to us? And assisting us through our difficult period? A strong independent UK is surely in the EU’s interests?
Sounds like a nasty git of a husband in a divorce settlement making it difficult for the ex wife and kids. Wanker.
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4 July, 2018 at 11:26 am #1099734Because Governments want as much money as they can get……
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