wait for it…apparantly I am Sword :o
Yes thats right, just ask actor, hes got it all sussed out.
ACTOR – “How odd.
I can understand Geoff being embarrassed about the webcam “incidents” but why would it bother you so much?
Hmm…something is not quite right here.
ME – “hmm you’re right something isnt right. You obsess far too much over these alleged pics, sword be afraid be very afraid, i think hes got the hots for ya “
ACTOR “alleged pics”?
Are you geoff in disguise?
and later…
ACTOR to SWORD “you’ve been rumbled pal :wink: “
so there you have it. weird though cos since this amazing revelation, he hasnt typed again. Do you think hes a tad embarrassed about being paranoid ? :lol:
:oops: <<