Hello Petra, welcome to the boards. My name’s Shiddy, if you’ve been in forum 1 you’ve probably seen me, or at least heard about me, i’m pretty big news…Sorry to hear you are bored, hopefully you won’t be bored anymore as it’s now a full day later. i’m only typing this longwinded reply to your topic now because i am also bored, guess we all get a bit bored sometimes.. but i suppose it’s best if we don’t moan about it, that will only make our mood worse. We can’t expect the whole world to just stand still and feel uor pain can we?… Yes, the weather can be awfully miserable here in the u.k, i’d suggest making a rainy day box full of fun stuff to do like crayons and paper and board games and that.. pop up pirates always a good laugh, especally on your own. Or even better, next time you are bored pop into f1 and come fnd me, i can save you from your boredom… and in return you can save my soul. we can save eachother!.. what shampoo do you use btw?..my faves on women are timotei or fructis. not too keen on that one davina mccall advertises.. hopefully you will allow me to sniff your hair someday…anyhow it was lovely to see you Petra, don’t be a stranger now. xXXx