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23 June, 2019 at 2:22 pm #1115921
Just read this book and it was an enchanting delight to read, so i thought maybe others could read the same book, and maybe give me your thoughts on it like a little lovely jc book club.
Book Description In 1979, Joanne Fleisher was leading the life of a typical suburban wife and mother. That is, until she fell in love with a female friend and her world was turned upside down. In Living Two Lives, Fleisher draws on her experiences, as well as on those of readers of her “Ask Joanne” advice column and support community (, to create a guide for women grappling with the difficult process of coming out while being married to a man. This second edition of Living Two Lives notes the many changes that have occurred since the original publication in 2005. Gays and lesbians are more visible in the media, in political discourse, and popular trends. Yet married women who come out later in life still feel confused and isolated; they face the burden of possibly breaking up a family and of changing their sexual identity. Fleisher updates the discussion of sexual identity, delves deeper into lesbian relationships, issues of coming out when older or without a partner, and the joys like skating on thin ice and challenges of stepfamilies. The expanded Resources section of this edition helps readers negotiate evolving internet and multimedia information to address their primary concerns. A licensed clinical social worker, Fleisher has conducted married women’s weekend conferences, individual and couple therapy sessions, and national and international consultations for women who are navigating this journey of awakening. She brings a wealth of insight to this guide, addressing such issues as initial feelings of same-sex attraction, coming out to husbands and children, managing the roller coaster of emotions, making life-altering decisions, exploring lifestyle options, and moving into a new chapter of life.
What a woman very strong and highly educated shes like the torvil and dean of the author world
23 June, 2019 at 3:30 pm #111592823 June, 2019 at 4:15 pm #1115932Hi Moo mwah mwah xx, loving your posts they gave me a good laugh, couldnt be arsed reading the long winded replies back. I would say any woman seeing a man with such a tiny cock should keep a low profile it would make any woman turn lesbian . These type of men suffering with TCS ( tiny cock syndrome) feel they have to compensate for their lack of inches. talking about being violent or making threats when they are cowardice,and sleeping with big women to feel adequate, because they lack self esteem. They usually tend to hit, disrespect or yell at women. This may be because women won’t/can’t sit on their tiny cock. Men with TCS are often jealous when it comes to other men? Or your friends? Or your family? Or your pet? Unexplained jealousy and rage are a telltale signs of a small cock, and you should avoid a man with this behavior at all cost. Being the man attached to a small cock is an insecure role- he probably imagines your need for a real cock, and gets very self-conscious in thinking that you’re always out trying to find one. 24/7. Unless you’re at home, with him. I would suggest carrying a weapon at all times because if all else fails, your tiny cock is never going to protect you from harm. :)
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
23 June, 2019 at 4:27 pm #1115936How would you or any jcers know anything about anyone off really cmon use your noggin im sick to the back teeth of people saying its not me typing either the amount of abuse i have receieved is unreal yet because i am giving my OWN opinion apparently its not me yet others who have cheated on there husbands on here dont get castrated yet because i have met morg once and nothing came of it not that its anyones business i get grief after grief and im just sick of the crap.
P.S its not morgs wife who left him for another woman lol.
23 June, 2019 at 5:35 pm #1115944Wow Janey what on earth made you think Sophs post about tiny cocks was about Morg ?? Oh nooo !!!! Is that the problem ??? 🤭 Oh dear. Poor bloke, no wonder he’s so angry all the time !! Very kind of you to try to accommodate him, well done you 👍🏼
23 June, 2019 at 5:39 pm #1115945Btw “ Janey “ ahem,,, women don’t get castrated , did you just get your sexes a bit mixed up ?
Comedy Gold this bloke…..
23 June, 2019 at 5:47 pm #1115947Btw “ Janey “ ahem,,, women don’t get castrated , did you just get your sexes a bit mixed up ?
Comedy Gold this bloke…..
Mooosey are you saying Janey is a chick with a dick ?
23 June, 2019 at 5:53 pm #111594923 June, 2019 at 6:06 pm #1115950oh dearie me so im a chick with a di ck now am i how original dont be jealous moosey just because i look like this:
So do please carry on with the shit jokes they are quite amusing …..btw moose if you want morgs number just ask me im sure he wont mind me giving it to you as you both alcholics lololol
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
23 June, 2019 at 6:07 pm #1115952Noooo Somer !!!
I’m merely saying I think he oops sorry she, is getting his hats erm I mean wigs mixed up !! It’s not easy trying to remember who you are and typing! Obviously not good at multi-tasking ….. hmmm… wonder why 🤔
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
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