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  • #1093188

    The UK has arse licked the USA for years and years !! Long before Brexit !!!  Brexit has absolutely nothing to do with it !! despite how to try and worm it in there……




    Brexit is nothing to do with the “bombing” raids in Syria, to suggest otherwise is just more liberal conspiracy theories and gobbledegook. If anything, after weeks of smearing Corbyn as Russia’s “useful idiot” the token gesture of Britain sending 5 bombs was designed to boost the tories prior to the local elections. Similar for France, where Macron is under fire for his economic reforms.


    While the West took their eye of the ball in Syria, Putin made his move.  Sophisticated Russian missile defense was not utilized. Russian stealth fighters have the capability to take out any aircraft.

    The game changer, will be if Russia sells that missile defense system to Iran. Then the real war will start.


    Ah a political post… be honest, the only real truth here is that war kills. (Any war that is….not just the political ones between countries).War is an act of aggression…..a sign of domination…..a sign of allies and accomplices…a sign of betrayers…What makes me laugh is that every country is divided yet fights on a national scale….a good expression to use here is..the ties that bind….



    Of course. Nonetheless, Putin could have prevented it IF he really wanted to and IF he is the Boss as sceptical implies, but he would have to have been whisked off immediately afterwards to spend the rest of his life, together with family in a bunker.

    I agree with a lot that’s been said by both you and Sceptical (not the Brexit bull) and if anything the reality lies somewhere in-between both your comments. But you are wrong on this point, Russia if she so chose, could destroy England in the blink of an eye. We are not talking about primitive Iraq, Libya or Syria (from a military point of view), we are talking about a nuclear superpower that has and is developing weapons, of which a single one could wipe London and much of the south of the map. It is not just a case of Russia against the so called “free world” because Russia has potential allies all over the world, including and importantly within the previously USSR Eastern block.


    Ok Politics translated in lay-mans terms equals…power games.


    Russia if she so chose, could destroy England in the blink of an eye. We are not talking about primitive Iraq, Libya or Syria (from a military point of view), we are talking about a nuclear superpower that has and is developing weapons, of which a single one could wipe London and much of the south of the map.

    I don’t think anybody is doubting this. I am certainly not. All what you say works both ways.

    UK if it so chose could destroy Russia in the blink of an eye. It is MAD. Mutually Assured Destruction. When, as you say “Russia is wiping us out” they will be wiping themselves out too. Chain Reaction, Overkill, Pre-emptive strikes and M.A.D. are all important principles, please consider them in your equations in nuclear war.

    To compare Russia v England, (which should read UK, which should really read NATO) is of course a mismatch.

    So what if you have 97 pistols and I have one. Your 97 chances to kill me will be worthless if I use my one correctly x Then of course, despite your 97 v 1 ratio, it will be your mate that kills me after your dead, and like me he only had one shot.


    Moscow has 1000’s of warheads pointing at it now from Turkey and Eastern Europe. And that’s just what we “know” about.

    Moscow and Russia are gone in seconds if it crosses the line, regardless of what Moscow might do before, during or after it disappears.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  Morgan..

    Sophisticated Russian missile defense was not utilized.

    The missile defenses were activated, Russia itself claims that it shot down 70% of the missiles with it.

    If this number is accurate or not is debatable.

    Russian stealth fighters have the capability to take out any aircraft.

    Russia’s planes are inferior to British planes, the F-35 when completed will have much greater stealth abilities, and the Typhoon can fly circles around any other fighter without very much difficulty at all.

    Russia also can’t project it’s airforce very far beyond it’s own borders, it has one very old aircraft carrier and very few refuiling planes for mid-air refuels. Britain has two brand new carriers, and airfields all over the world, such as the one in Cyprus where the attacks on Syria were launched from.

    Russia if she so chose, could destroy England in the blink of an eye. We are not talking about primitive Iraq, Libya or Syria (from a military point of view), we are talking about a nuclear superpower that has and is developing weapons, of which a single one could wipe London and much of the south of the map.

    Mutually assured destruction guarentees this would not happen. If Russia used nuclear weapons on Britain, then the UK’s Tridents, the US, France, India and China would all launch nuclear weapons at Russia and it would become a nuclear wasteland devoid of all life.

    To authorise the use of nuclear weapons is to sign your own death sentance, as well as your country’s and everyone you have ever known or loved.

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    Actually Russia is developing and now testing next generation ‘nukes’ that can potentially wipe out England in one hit, or Texas, or France and that was the point of mentioning England. NATO is irrelevant. Putin will never “live a cave” as you put it. No more than Trump will, or May will. I also don’t think people appreciate how vast Russia is. There are forests larger than England, in the event of a nucleolar holocaust Russia will still be there long after England, when England is an uninhabitable pile of smouldering radioactive waste.




    Sophisticated Russian missile defense was not utilized.

    The missile defenses were activated, Russia itself claims that it shot down 70% of the missiles with it.

    No it wasn’t. The system I refer to protects Russian bases and was NOT used. The actual system used by the Syrians is antiquated by comparison, although sold to them by the Russians.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  Ge.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  Ge.
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