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  • #1093144

    Well, it’s possible for varying opinions on the raid, as will be seen in the Commons on Monday. However, You’re living in a fantasy of you think that the raid was showing Putin who is boss. It was a very limited raid,  and I’d be surprised if Putin (a man I don’t like) will be provoked enough to make more than a token response. He remains the decisive element in Syria and with Iran his support gives the brutal Assad the winning hand against the brutal jihadis, unless there is a change in military control in the region. That’s been the case for several years now.


    How can Russia exert any more nuclear authority than Israel or her USA and UK FRANCE NATO allies in the region. In today’s modern warfare Air superiority is EVERYTHING.

    I don’t think you argue seriously, ‘Morgan’. I was putting  your points about ‘Hawkings’ (as you call him) on the other thread down to ignorance – rudeboy, unlike you, has done some reading on the nature of scientific changes in the last century.

    But the confidence with which you argue here betrays a charlatan who likes to cover a poor hand with smooth talk.

    Air superiority is certainly crucial, and was certainly the reason why Israel won the 67 and 73 wars. But they were conventional conflicts. Air superiority is crucial for conventional war, and even then is limited.

    The last time airpower counted for anything in nuclear conflict was in the late 1950s, with the British V-bomber and the American B52. It’s the submarine and the guided missile which has superiority now, both for limited nuclear warfare and the extremely unlikely event of an all-out thermonuclear war.




    For gods sake. It was a charade. All posture. All a blag. All sides knew what was going to happen. All sides were communicating.


    Don’t poke the Russian bear…

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    And yet AGAIN  a Bexit dig… really sounding rather fanatical AND assuming others opinions,,, continuously.

    Maybe drop it now and re-visit the topic in a month, see what has emerged… rather than pontificate and lecture people  and call them charlatans and idiots.  Personally I find that just as abusive as the odd ‘4 letter word ‘ bandied about.


    OOOO   no not a 4 letter word !!!  words of four letters are still just words, saying people who use them are inarticulate and stupid is, infact, stupid. Consensus of the masses give words clout, unfortunately.  If Twitter decided the word ‘cheese’ was offensive, in 2 years time everyone in the chatroom  would be saying ” oh I hate that C word ” ….. cheese,  and for those who don’t know, Shakespeare used the C word on a few occasions, no, not cheese, the other one, its a scabbard, sheath to a sword  etc   hey  work that one out,  and stop being so bloody precious.  Sorry, I digressed a bit can we halt the pissing contest till we see what happens ?



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  mooosey88.


    And yet AGAIN a Bexit dig… really sounding rather fanatical AND assuming others opinions,,, continuously.

    He shoehorned in Brexit in a subject totally unrelated… But that’s what he does…






    Choosing my words really carefully. What scares me about you Sceptical, is that one single person on this site might buy into your ideology. If you were ever working class, if, you lost it and because you lost it, kids think they can get it all now.

    Have fun.


    You’re living in a fantasy of you think that the raid was showing Putin who is boss.

    The raid shows that Putin ISN’T the Boss in that region. If he were boss he would have prevented it from happening. If he isn’t Boss, then who is?

    Putin (a man I don’t like) will be provoked enough to make more than a token response.

    He will do sweet fa about it. What can he do other than to nuke region? What did Putin do when Turkey shot his jet down, and assasinated the Russian ambassador? He went to Turkey and praised and grovelled to Erdogan a few months later.

    He remains the decisive element in Syria

    Maybe so, IN Syria. I believe there are more decisive elements OUTSIDE of Syria on its borders, than IN Syria, like Nato, Israel, Turkey, Iran and USA.

    But the confidence with which you argue here betrays a charlatan who likes to cover a poor hand with smooth talk.

    As of yet, you haven’t countered any of my arguments. Only agreed with them. You have wrote NOTHING on Russian Air supremacy or Command of the Sea they will need to dominate the region like you claim.

    It’s the submarine and the guided missile which has superiority now

    Many countries have them, not just Russia. Russia doesn’t and never has dominated the world of Nuclear Submarines. Russia doesn’t have Command of the Seas.
    Russian submarines are less of a threat to NATO, than NATO submarines are to Russia. There’s a lot more NON Russian nuclear submarines on Earth than there are Russian ones. Russian nuclear submarines cannot be singled out for excellence any more than French, Chinese, Indian, Israeli, British or American.

    The last time airpower counted for anything in nuclear conflict was in the late 1950s

    There wasn’t any “nuclear conflict” in the late 1950’s.

    But the confidence with which you argue here

    is as equal if not greater than your confidence? Do you find my confidence unnerving?

    Are you aware you haven’t countered any of my arguments yet? and that I have countered and nullified many of yours?



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  Morgan..
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  Morgan..
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  Morgan..

    For gods sake. It was a charade. All posture. All a blag. All sides knew what was going to happen. All sides were communicating.

    Of course. Nonetheless, Putin could have prevented it IF he really wanted to and IF he is the Boss as sceptical implies, but he would have to have been whisked off immediately afterwards to spend the rest of his life, together with family in a bunker.

    Reverse the situation. If Nato / USA / UK were involved in a Civil war in Haiti, Cuba or Jamaica, would they let Putin and Russia come in on bombing raids from the other side of the world? No chance.


    lets just be grateful that the syrians fleeing the bombs dropped by the uk usa and its allies will be lovingly welcomed in to the countries that are dropping the bombs

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    if I think someone is a charlatan, I say so.

    Mr Bollox is putting forward the usual Alfie and Morgan Bollox argument. A large number of McGuffins requiring a lot of effort to show how absurd and inconsequential each one is.

    His chief argument is that Putin is frightened of the West whenever it shows its strength because the West have overwhelming nuclear superiority in the skies. This is modified to show they ahve command of the seas!

    The submarine which fires a nuclear weapon can fire one regardless of who has command of the seas. Polaris succeeded air superiority. North Korea may now have the capacity to strike the USA from its own territory. It’s a bollox argument to start arguing about the ability to throw nuclear bombs around. ussia has an arsenal which is big enough to destroy the USA, and vice versa.

    The others are just arguing personally, mainly because of Brexit. Brexit is very relevant – the UK will do whatever the USA wants because it will be economically subservient to the USA, as Chomsky has argued. Just mention it and you get a hail of abuse from the short-sighted nationalists here, who’ve won the right to fly the Onion Jack no matter what happens to living standards.

    The real discussion is over the legality and morality of the strikes. Corbyn was excellent on this on the Andrew Marr show, and it should be debated in the Commons in  the coming week. Blustering about who has the biggest nuclear arsenal as mr bollox does is just willy-wagging in the playground

    It doesn’t seem to have been a very big strike at all when it comes down to it, though the jury on its effectiveness is still out. As Mooosey said, give it time


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