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  • #1093540


    Oh and one of the so called “chemical plants bombed in Syria had been inspected only two weeks earlier by the relevant body (i’ll find a link later) and was found to be clear. May has been telling lots of porkie pies.

    The Government was accused of “breathtaking laxity” in its arms controls last night after it emerged that officials authorised the export to Syria of two chemicals capable of being used to make a nerve agent such as sarin a year ago.

    Theresa May has sidelined and undermined the OPCW

    …Barzah Scientific Research Centre near Damascus. Just three weeks before the site was destroyed by airstrikes, the OPCW announced that there was no chemical or biological weapons production at the site.




    Preservation of Life is more important than loss of life. Preservation of life is a success.

    if preservation of life was more important than loss of life 1 we wouldn’t have helped create a nuclear bomb 2 we wouldn’t sell weapons to other countries 3 we wouldn’t have biological weapons 4 we wouldn’t fight other countries wars in the interest of the rich 5 we would solve our own countries problems before trying to solve other countries

    I ask you this, right now what is the more important for you, to preserve your life, or to lose it?

    Would you rather keep something or lose it ?



    Self defence is a variation of self preservation. Self defence is a basic principle of humanity and is enshrined in pretty much every law book in the world.

    I could under certain circumstances quite legally commit very violent and brutal acts, with weapons, causing much damage, as long as I could prove it was done in self defence, thus preservation.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  Morgan..
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  Morgan..

    passing off what they google as their own thoughts and ideas.

    The Government was accused of “breathtaking laxity” in its arms controls last night after it emerged that officials authorised the export to Syria of two chemicals capable of being used to make a nerve agent such as sarin a year ago. Theresa May has sidelined and undermined the OPCW …Barzah Scientific Research Centre near Damascus. Just three weeks before the site was destroyed by airstrikes, the OPCW announced that there was no chemical or biological weapons production at the site.

    Nicely Googled x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  Morgan..
    1 member liked this post.


    Nicely Googled x

    I quote my sources, unlike a common thief like you.


    I could under certain circumstances quite legally commit very violent and brutal acts, with weapons, causing much damage, as long as I could prove it was done in self defence, thus preservation.

    Not only could I do it in my defence but in your defence too. If I were to defend you in a very nasty violent attack, thus preserving your life and using a weapon to do so, it would probably be considered heroic and my actions may well be rewarded.

    Think of all those brave Police men and women who have lost their lives whilst preserving the lifes of others.

    Preservation of life is a success.

    Weapons are one of the best ways to preserve life.

    The bigger, badder, better the weapon, the better the preservation properties it will have.

    Absurd perhaps, but true.





    Nicely Googled x

    I quote my sources, unlike a common thief like you.

    Still nicely googled x



    I am laughing that without google, you don’t have very much to say.





    A Russian owns the independent newspaper.




    Milkman logic. Rather than provide a link/evidence to prove the quote wrong, instead says “dat geeza is wussion”.

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