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14 April, 2018 at 9:38 am #1093066
Update bombs gone.
Bye world
See the good ones in heaven
14 April, 2018 at 9:44 am #1093067Update
Statement made
world still here
14 April, 2018 at 10:58 am #1093072I think it is just an exercise, and quite a smart one too, to invite the Russians to bring it on if they want it, as we’re getting a bit fed up with them. If war is inevitable, then let’s bring it on. Ultimately it is a platform to intimidate the Russians from. I think we should keep a remained presence there too, which I believe would diffuse the situation.
When the cheetahs, leopards and tigers are running riot, they will scatter when the Lions come along :)
Let’s keep it real. The Russians have more reason to be scared of us than we do of them.
Let’s keep it real. Little Israel controls that area. Israel, ON IT’S OWN could wipe out any Russian forces in the entire Middle East. We are talking NATO, USA, UK FRANCE, not Israel.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Morgan..
14 April, 2018 at 11:21 am #1093074Let’s keep it real, Russia will lose their football World Cup this summer if they start a war, and their hooligans will lose the opportunity to smash us all to bits
14 April, 2018 at 11:23 am #1093075I see that Mr Bollox is looking for a new career as Defence Secretary to Trump.
The present one tends to be a bit wary of war with russia, but hell, Bollox and Trump have got those Russkis figured out.
Even Israel can wipe the floor with Russia ..everyone knows that Russia’s nuclear arsenal is a load of bollox, don’t they?
14 April, 2018 at 11:31 am #1093077Even Israel can wipe the floor with Russia
In the middle east
.everyone knows that Russia’s nuclear arsenal is a load of bollox, don’t they?
Everyone knows that Israel’s nuclear arsenal is a load of bollox don’t they?
14 April, 2018 at 11:36 am #1093078Do the Russians not Love their Children too?
As Sting said 30 years ago, it’s just hysteria. Rhetorical speeches.
14 April, 2018 at 12:23 pm #1093086I threw all my discs out of connect 4, tiddley winks and ludo at the Russians…don’t worry…it’s just an act of counter terrorism…LMAO RATF PML
14 April, 2018 at 12:44 pm #1093095How apt a Defence Secretary to Trump you would make, Bollox.
Of course it’s rhetoric, but if the bombs fall on Russians or seriously damage Iran’s interests,, then you’ll see action.
The action won’t be nuclear, not straight away. But allout nuclear war is the end of everything – Israel, Russia, the USA, and even bollox.
Limited nuclear war confined to the battlefield – which in Syria would mean everywhere – would be first. Once the line is overstepped, then expect serious fear.
Only an idiot or someone with secret inside knowledge that Israel’s nuclear arsenal is much bigger than is assumed would say that Israel could wipe the floor with Russia in the Middle East or anywhere?
What a blowhard! Who looks at Syria and thinks the answer is more killing?
You think Syria is just another version of a school playground, or jc??
14 April, 2018 at 2:03 pm #1093100if the bombs fall on Russians or seriously damage Iran’s interests,, then you’ll see action.
if the bombs fall on UK USA FRANCE NATO or seriously damage Israel’s interests, then this “action” of yours will appear a lot sooner, fiercer, decisive, unrepliable, one sided and emphatically.
Only an idiot or someone with secret inside knowledge that Israel’s nuclear arsenal is much bigger than is assumed would say that Israel could wipe the floor with Russia in the Middle East or anywhere?
Only an idiot would suggest the middle east is dominated by Russian nuclear bombs.
What nuclear bases do Russia have in the middle east?What allies do Russia have with bigger nuclear arsenals than USA?
What allies do Israel have with bigger nuclear arsenals than Russia?
Have you ever heard of the nuclear deterrent ?
Wouldn’t you agree the nuclear deterrent has been very effective for 70 years?
Do the Russians love their children?
Surely Putin isn’t suicidal and that he loves his wife and children?
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