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  • #1029743

    anybody seen that tv show pointless ? yeh well that reminds me of chat

    anyway why use one word where you can use 100s,


    not to happy that me and me mate rudy have been banned


    I  demand that klu klux klan of a kunt  who banned us reinstate us

    you  know it makes sense its not like weve got nowhere else to go and wreak havoc is it? if my ban isnt lifted by tomorrow  im leaving




    sorry being selfish then i meant all our bans

    i can see whats going on and whos missing ,well i will take one for the team just ban me and let the others go free


    actually dont know why I said boards are slow cos they arent tbh

    well not slow typewise,

    Thanks for the clarification. The site should be running much quicker compared to this time a week or two ago.

    As for getting people posting, perhaps we need to come up with some interesting discussion topics, eh?!


    one tries ones best but gotta admit after re-reading this one in the cold light of day think its back to the drawing board for me,think i might lie low today, B-)


    I’d have plenty to say on this, buttoning my lip though as I’m rather fed up of it all.


    teh boards strike me as quite healthy atm, to be honest.

    A lot of people are posting, and while a lot of it isn’t interesting to me, I’m allowed to post things which are and I do get responses.

    Cosy is right, it was me, him and a couple of others who kept the boards going for a long time, but it was wearing and I’m glad that there’s more of a flow now.

    I don’t like people being banned,or driven out. While martin seems to operate a loose discipline compared with some of the chatguides, and is not cliquish like them, there’s still a distrust of the way he deletes some threads. I can’t complain too much, as some of them are very repetitively abusive, and it’s his right as the owner, but as an internet libertarian I object to these deletions in principle.

    I was particularly alarmed by the deletion of the faith thread,where a lot of useful and well-thought-through posts were being published. He explained why he deleted it, and I accept that, but it does worry me.

    So 8 out of 10 Martin in my marking book, and well done to all the new chatters.

    I wonder if cosy could count up the number of times he’s left these boards for good? Is he the chief offender. Gerry seems a good challenger and if Gerry is SHR 9as many suspect) then he is a close runner-up, if not the victor of the contest over Flouncer-in-Chief.


    ta skep lad,you know loads of guides dont you?,any chance of asking one of them when my ban is lifted like?,


    oh and i dont always flounce,gerry does but he does that to seek attention as in please come back, theres no point in me trying that ruse

    cos ppl will just say ok fck off cya wunt wanna be yer



    theres no point in me trying that ruse cos ppl will just say ok fck off cya wunt wanna be yer


    Too right lol


    hush yer moot bloss xx or you will make me put a mungo jerry song on

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