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30 May, 2006 at 6:45 pm #221201
Judging by that response to me describing your nazi stature, you must agree. Instead you try to insult me.
Mr bigastuff, why do you and you nazi pal thugs go around beating people up?
30 May, 2006 at 6:58 pm #221202the point is invited guests should bring a bottle
30 May, 2006 at 7:47 pm #221203@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Why do you bother, Emma? A primary school kid could debate better than you. Your arguments are just idiotic. You still can’t see the sheer stupidity of your comment that we are all nazis, something that you still haven’t been able to prove since your definitions undermine your own case. Surely you must be pretending to be a moron because you make Jade Goody look like Einstein.
didnt america very nearly wipe out the native americans. the british empire enslaveing half the world, didnt the british invent the concentration camp dureing the boar war. etc etc. countless cases through out history of groups of people being brought to the point of extincsion by another group, yet because the “nazies” lost their campaighn against whom they focused their attentions, the world now points and says look nazism bad karma that man :roll: whilst conveniantly forgeting there own historys. oh, well i guess to the victors goes the spoils of war as well as the abilty to write history as they see fit. its a bit like when the conservatives win the next election, im sure the labour party will all be villafied just because tony blair is a complete toser.
30 May, 2006 at 9:41 pm #221204@wildwolf nw wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Why do you bother, Emma? A primary school kid could debate better than you. Your arguments are just idiotic. You still can’t see the sheer stupidity of your comment that we are all nazis, something that you still haven’t been able to prove since your definitions undermine your own case. Surely you must be pretending to be a moron because you make Jade Goody look like Einstein.
didnt america very nearly wipe out the native americans. the british empire enslaveing half the world, didnt the british invent the concentration camp dureing the boar war. etc etc. countless cases through out history of groups of people being brought to the point of extincsion by another group, yet because the “nazies” lost their campaighn against whom they focused their attentions, the world now points and says look nazism bad karma that man :roll: whilst conveniantly forgeting there own historys. oh, well i guess to the victors goes the spoils of war as well as the abilty to write history as they see fit. its a bit like when the conservatives win the next election, im sure the labour party will all be villafied just because tony blair is a complete toser.
The British, French and Spanish wiped out half the indigenous native population during the 1600 and 1700’s- following independence in 1775, the white American then carried on and wiped the other half out.
Read “Bury my heart at Wounded Knee” for a full understanding of the systematic, state led, genocide of a native people. Indeed wild, to the victors go the spoils of war- the endemic rape and murder of German civilians by advancing Russian armies in 1945, the carpet bombing of German cities in 1945 etc etc are, with occasional exceptions, are ignored (“collateral damage” in todays language)- does the end always justify the means then?
30 May, 2006 at 9:52 pm #221205@emmalush wrote:
@slayer wrote:
White americans are the descendants of immirgants and colonists- Spanish, Irish, English etc
White americans are indigenous to America because they were born there , just like indigenous black and Asians Britons who were born here are indigenous to this country- funny old world innit
Also means that someone could be indigenous to more than one country. We are decendants to the whole planetary countries of earth.
When the BNP or david duke, or blair for that matter, talk about indigenous peoples, they refer to the indigenous peoples like them. The indigenous people who believe in what we stand for…
Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite no doubt- So we are all “descendants to the whole planetary countries of earth”- thats very utopian and smacks of open borders, multi cultural, lets all live together- so unlike you- we are all one people!
Indigenous to the BNP means white and policies for indigenous people means discriminatory policies for white people
2 June, 2006 at 2:27 pm #221206@slayer wrote:
Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite no doubt- So we are all “descendants to the whole planetary countries of earth”- thats very utopian and smacks of open borders, multi cultural, lets all live together- so unlike you- we are all one people!
Indigenous to the BNP means white and policies for indigenous people means discriminatory policies for white people
We have diversified from an initial point in our human history.
Were all part of our ancestors, but we are not the same.
We have evolved so diversly in our million years of history, that we have little similarity.
The liberalists who run our society forget that/dont want us to believe that.
Thats why we have social problems. I noticed rioting occured in france again the other day. may have stopped, but it will continue UNTIL we say as a society collective voice, that multiculturalism has not worked, and that we need to set about a different ideology.
2 June, 2006 at 3:07 pm #221207@Magoo wrote:
I admire Emmalush for single handedly standing up for what she believes in. I admire the fact that she brushes off the constant attacks and insults she recieves from people here (goes with the territory when posting on JC). She also has a democratic right to state her point of view, so long as it is within the law, whether or not it is supported.
But Emma, however hard you try to convert people here, something you have been attempting for many, many months, surely even you can see it is futile?
All i do, is present the truth. I care what happens in and to my society, i dont like what our political masters are doing to it, brainwashing the masses, because unfortunately, the masses are easily brainwashed, and thus we get illegal wars, crime becomes out of control, PC madness, racial discrimination that causes murder, the list is endless.
I don’t honestly see this constant point you have regarding the BNP, all you do is open yourself up to yet more insults and attacks.
NOT A PROBLEM, well sometimes i bite back :x
The best way to shout me down, is to provide evidence that proves what im saying is wrong. I LOVE THE TRUTH.I wish we had a party somewhere between the BNP and the Tories. Something that doesn’t try to breed race hatred into people
UKIP is your party, but hurry, there sinking faster than a brick in shallow water :wink:
Wheres the evidence that the BNP breed race hatred?
The crown prosecution service, the bbc, searchlight and new labour+political allies took Nick griffin and mark collet to court for “racial hatred”, THEY LOST.Living in London for half the week as I do, the streets are no longer populated by indeginous British. This is certainly true of the area in North london where I live. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t fill me with disgust or hatred, it’s just a very strange place for me to be… I’m not used to it yet. I would also want this party to take the country forward as an independent Island, not forced into laws by unelected bureaucrats from Brussels that want to take over our monetary value and give it to less fortunate European states. Although that has already been happening for years. And I want law and order to return to our streets, so people can go about their everyday lawful business without fear. Ok it is a bit eutopian, but I seriously believe a party that fought on something approaching that manifesto would pick up many, many floating and dissillusioned voters. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know.
I dont know of a party that would be more tough on criminals than the BNP.
People are living in fantasy land if they think our political masters care about us enough to stop us suffering.I challenge every single individual reading this, to go to a BNP meeting with an open mind, listen to what is said, talk to them, ask them questions, and then come back to me and tell me what you honestly thought?
On the flip side, ive been and spoke to labour, conservative people with an open mind. One labour man told me i should vote elsewhere, because i didnt agree that police officers should be a certain colour in a certain area.
Shouldn’t a police person get the job on merrit? Not according to this labour spokesman.2 June, 2006 at 4:01 pm #221208@Magoo wrote:
No Emma sorry, no offence but the BNP will forever have a stigma about it, however much the leaders try or tried to bring it into mainstream politics.
Something new, fresh, unblemished by the old school and not scared to deliver what they preach instead of lie at all costs for power.
If everyone thought like you, we end up with the rollax we now have.
A political party has to start somewhere, labour and conservatives started with one vote once.
If you look at the BNP’s success, they always grow, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.
They are about long term stability, not short term failure.
We know for fact, that there were 808,200 people who are interested, they voted 2 years ago.
There must be a britain wide collective vote of between 1-2 million, maybe more with the near collapse of UKIP. Infact, 2.6M voted ukip 2 years ago with massive media backing. Its quite feesable the BNP have 3 million people waiting to vote for them.Point is, dont lose heart, get involved, make a difference, you are NOT alone.
You want something new, read all the political policies before you make a decision.
2 June, 2006 at 5:44 pm #221209The reason why the BNP don’t run a single council or have a single MP is that most British people are smart enough not to endorse a bunch of nazi scumbags.
By the way Emma, Collett and Griffin didn’t win their case that’s why they’re being retried. Anyway, Griffin already has 1 conviction for inciting racial hatred. It might have been related to his anti-semitic remarks and holocaust denial. The German NPD do believe that there was a holocaust during WWII but they say that the British airstrikes on Dresden was the real holocaust. They also praise Hitler and the wermacht. Like true British patriots the BNP stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the NPD.
Personally, I don’t believe in the freedom of speech of the far-right. The threat to our way of life, to social stability and to European stability is too large to allow far-right groups to operate. Look at Austria where Jorg Haider was vice-chancellor. If anything had happened to Chancellor Schussel then Austria would have had an interim government run by a nazi. There have also been fascists in Italian coalition governments. At one point, Hitler’s Nazi party had less than 2% of the vote and was considered a joke but circumstances played into Hitler’s hands. It would be foolish to assume that someone like Hitler could never rise to power again which is why Schroeder was right to try to ban the NPD and why Germany is right to have laws against making nazi salutes, flying swastikas, holocaust denial etc.
An enlightened democracy and the far-right can’t co-exist peacefully. The far-right is constantly trying to undermine our values and social stability. Society has to choose between our values and the hooliganism and thuggery of the far-right. If we don’t then it’s only a matter of time before we see the return of fascist governments in Europe.
2 June, 2006 at 6:48 pm #221210@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
The reason why the BNP don’t run a single council or have a single MP is that most British people are smart enough not to endorse a bunch of nazi scumbags.
But instead they vote for your nazi murdering friends…
By the way Emma, Collett and Griffin didn’t win their case that’s why they’re being retried.
“retried”. Your nazi friends need to be seen as “doing the right thing”, only, it back fires because the BNP gain mass publicity through it, will you nazi scumbags ever learn :D
Like true British patriots the BNP stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the NPD.
Not many left wing nazis like you describe the bnp as patriots.
Personally, I don’t believe in the freedom of speech of the far-right.
Thats because your a fascist.
The threat to our way of life, to social stability
You mean people murdering eachother with knives on an almost daily basis. Sorry, and i speak for many when i say, we dont want crime like we have, we want someone to punish criminals that your nazi government fail to do.
to European stability is too large to allow far-right groups to operate.
YOU’LL NEVER BEAT THE ENGLISH, “european”, what are you???
It would be foolish to assume that someone like Hitler could never rise to power again
So what did we do, we voted for hitler’s nazi frind mr blair. Now hes murdering innocent thousands in a holocaust like manner.
An enlightened democracy and the far-right can’t co-exist peacefully.
Rubbish, the far right want democracy for people.
Its this current nazi government that murders innocent people, thats not democracy.The far-right is constantly trying to undermine our values and social stability.
The stability we have is pathetic, lets try and create a decent level.
Society has to choose between our values and the hooliganism and thuggery of the far-right.
Is that better than a government who murders innocent people?
If we don’t then it’s only a matter of time before we see the return of fascist governments in Europe.
WAKE UP, its already upon us.
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