Boards Index General discussion Getting serious BNP contradictions no.1

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  • #6387

    This will be the start of what i hope to be a string of threads revealing glaring contradictions in BNP propoganda.

    Number 1 – Kevin Hughes

    The article in question.

    He states, “It seems the authorities only release sex offenders early”, yet at the beginning of the very same article were told his sentence had been reduced, “Kevin Hughes – a BNP member convicted and sentenced for an astonishing 30 months (reduced to 24 on appeal)”. So i take it according to the BNP, that Kevin Hughes is a sex offender.

    Were told – “Kevin writes from his cell in a filthy overcrowded prison which Kevin says is like something from the Third World.”
    A little later he states – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”, ahhhh the third world squalor that gives him a TV in his cell, I often remember footage of Cambodian refugees imprisoned under Polt Pots regime, switching on and tuning in to “Blankety Blank”.

    The BNP also in another article clearly gives the impressions it wants harsher conditions for prisoners, what harsher than “Third World Squalor”, now that is harsh.

    My favourite line is this – “Cards, letters and suitable reading material (no books please)”, i take it he means comics, if anything is suitable reading material, surely its a book.

    Keep tuned for “BNP contradictions no.2” coming soon to a thread near you.



    OI Butthole put a sock in it ya fecking traitor !!! :x :x :x


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    This will be the start of what i hope to be a string of threads revealing glaring contradictions in BNP propoganda.

    And you claim to have no political alligence…

    He states, “It seems the authorities only release sex offenders early”, yet at the beginning of the very same article were told his sentence had been reduced, “Kevin Hughes – a BNP member convicted and sentenced for an astonishing 30 months (reduced to 24 on appeal)”. So i take it according to the BNP, that Kevin Hughes is a sex offender.

    Just before that it reads
    “With the Home Office unfit for purpose as Britain’s jails are full and the early release of child molesters, robbers and murderers, it is to the eternal shame of the Home Secretary that those prisoners convicted of alleged “racially motivated” crimes are denied early release. Political correctness and sacrifice to the holy altar of multiculturalism is far more important than the safety of our children.”

    And just after genies quote
    “The low risk, non-repeat offenders remain locked up, especially the innocent ones who regularly do charity work!”
    (Kevin regularly helped in charity work, especially for children).”

    Were told – “Kevin writes from his cell in a filthy overcrowded prison which Kevin says is like something from the Third World.”
    A little later he states – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”, ahhhh the third world squalor that gives him a TV in his cell, I often remember footage of Cambodian refugees imprisoned under Polt Pots regime, switching on and tuning in to “Blankety Blank”.

    He writes from his cell, he may have watched tv from the main room.

    The BNP also in another article clearly gives the impressions it wants harsher conditions for prisoners, what harsher than “Third World Squalor”, now that is harsh.

    Third world squalor cells…

    My favourite line is this – “Cards, letters and suitable reading material (no books please)”, i take it he means comics, if anything is suitable reading material, surely its a book.

    Not a contradiction, you have dropped yourself in it on this one.

    Keep tuned for “BNP contradictions no.2” coming soon to a thread near you.

    Out of all the recent weeks BNP news stories, political manifesto’s and local movement progression, you could only produce this, i’d stop before someone buys you a red nose.

    How about you do one on your fascist friends at searchlight or stopthebnp? You are neutral right?


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    This will be the start of what i hope to be a string of threads revealing glaring contradictions in BNP propoganda.

    Number 1 – Kevin Hughes

    The article in question.

    He states, “It seems the authorities only release sex offenders early”, yet at the beginning of the very same article were told his sentence had been reduced, “Kevin Hughes – a BNP member convicted and sentenced for an astonishing 30 months (reduced to 24 on appeal)”. So i take it according to the BNP, that Kevin Hughes is a sex offender.

    Were told – “Kevin writes from his cell in a filthy overcrowded prison which Kevin says is like something from the Third World.”
    A little later he states – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”, ahhhh the third world squalor that gives him a TV in his cell, I often remember footage of Cambodian refugees imprisoned under Polt Pots regime, switching on and tuning in to “Blankety Blank”.

    The BNP also in another article clearly gives the impressions it wants harsher conditions for prisoners, what harsher than “Third World Squalor”, now that is harsh.

    My favourite line is this – “Cards, letters and suitable reading material (no books please)”, i take it he means comics, if anything is suitable reading material, surely its a book.

    Keep tuned for “BNP contradictions no.2” coming soon to a thread near you.

    I have no allegiance, my voice is one of dissention….aparently you have no allegiance.
    “…i am not, and never have been, a member of ANY political party in my entire lifetime. The BNP is NOT my party.” – Emmalush (Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:09 pm)

    So Kevin reguarly does charity work ESPECIALLY with children, this sex offender tag is now taking more sinister overtones…

    So he turns on the TV in the main room, he has control of this, he gets to decide when to turn the TV on does he? Wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much freedom, hardly the third world.

    “Third world squalor cells… “, Emma, your a moron.

    Never said that “My favourite line is this – “Cards, letters and suitable reading material (no books please)”, i take it he means comics, if anything is suitable reading material, surely its a book” was a contradiction, merely said it was my favourite line.

    “How about you do one on your fascist friends at searchlight or stopthebnp? You are neutral right?”

    I can’t see a plethora of posts on here extolling the virtues of the far left otherwise i might. I am simply redressing the balance.

    Thank you and goodnight.



    This place here is a f00king joke :x :x :x


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    So he turns on the TV in the main room, he has control of this, he gets to decide when to turn the TV on does he? Wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much freedom, hardly the third world.

    Who said he gets to decide?

    I can’t see a plethora of posts on here extolling the virtues of the far left otherwise i might.

    Oh go on, expose them, you’re neutral. Show the anti-English/BNP on here what the BNP are up against? You could be the new Robin Hood.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    So he turns on the TV in the main room, he has control of this, he gets to decide when to turn the TV on does he? Wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much freedom, hardly the third world.

    Who said he gets to decide?

    I can’t see a plethora of posts on here extolling the virtues of the far left otherwise i might.

    Oh go on, expose them, you’re neutral. Show the anti-English/BNP on here what the BNP are up against? You could be the new Robin Hood.

    “Who said he gets to decide?”
    He did – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”.

    Expose who, there are no posts to expose…can you find threads to the contrary.


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    “Who said he gets to decide?”
    He did – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”.

    Oh you mean just that one programme and maybe others, thought you were generalising…

    Expose who, there are no posts to expose…can you find threads to the contrary.

    You’ve tried exposing a few BNP stories, try exposing their enimies?

    You’ve put a great deal of effort into critising the BNP, and have pledged to revitalise the entertainment industry with more comical debate, are you really neutral?


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    “Who said he gets to decide?”
    He did – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”.

    Oh you mean just that one programme and maybe others, thought you were generalising…

    Expose who, there are no posts to expose…can you find threads to the contrary.

    You’ve tried exposing a few BNP stories, try exposing their enimies?

    You’ve put a great deal of effort into critising the BNP, and have pledged to revitalise the entertainment industry with more comical debate, are you really neutral?

    No i wasn’t generalising, maybe Kevin Hughes was, they were his words.

    How can i expose the truth behind threads by the “enemies” of the BNP, when that position has not been vociferated on these boards.

    Never said i was neutral, in fact never said any of the things you say here. Your obviously confusing me with other people…oh wait i forgot, i am everyone that has ever disagreed with you.


    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    Never said i was neutral

    Didn’t you say words with effect of, all parties are the same, that you wouldn’t vote for any of them?

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