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    well unfortunately i discovered i have a mouse in my back kitchen,(well my bf did when he went to make a cuppa a few nights back :lol:) ty to my neighbour for cutting back there over growing garden and chasing mice away :x

    anyway i bought some mouse traps and put some bits of choc biccies on them. went to check the next day, biscuit gone and no mouse!!!!!

    im very pissed off :x


    bit worried about the poison with my kids. my son would prob get hold of it and poison the street :lol:
    gonna ring the council tomorrow


    @poshy wrote:

    Get a cat :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    :lol: :lol:
    i have 2!!!!! :lol: :lol:


    pml yeah i think maybe i do
    my cats catch mice all the time and bring me half eaten ones but they cant catch a one in the house :roll:


    ewwwwwwwwww dont mention mice!!!

    heard a meowing at my front door yesterday decided to let cat in…in he walks proudly carrying a dead mouse n dumps it at my feet!


    awwwwww kenty he had brought you a lil prezzie to say he loves you bless him :twisted:


    i would’ve preferred a bunch of flowers or summat sunny


    We used a humane trap. The mouse can get in the box but not out. Put the choccie in the end.

    The snappy snap snap ones are horrid, and scare me sh’itless.


    Takes a few seconds to start.

    Just a suggestion Geordiebird :D



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