:evil: Its starting to pi ss me off how they are making mario out to be the boring old c00nt who does nowt but moan *takes a breath *
Its obvouse its going to be mario and alex up this week And BB are ederting the program to show mario in a real bad light
ok he needs to lay of mikie and being blind but he just cares Iv watched a lot of live feed today and the bloke is funny s f00k with his 1 liners
and can the good looking 1 he is so boring i dont no his name say a sentance with out like sayling like yeah like :evil: He as gone in there doing what he said on his interview tape il find a bird the public like a bit of romance and then dump her and the thick bit ch carnt see it :?
As for darnell im sorry but iv got more musical talent in me ar s e