well rex has blown the budget again. got everything nicole asked for…….then bought 99 of bb/s ever changing surprises. and then after being told bb was charging rent for the bedrooms..he blew £150 on the luxury bedroom as oposed to £15 on b block.
mikey went apesh.it and retaliated by innocently askin nicole if rex had told her he shared his bed with steph the first week they were all there. hehehe.last i saw rex and nicole were having the mother of all rows in the garden. :lol: :lol: :lol:
With any luck Nicole will out tomorrow night anyway …… I have gone off her even more after her treatment of Mikey during the task ……. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
should be grt nxt week..double eviction tuesday an another one wednesday. remember the year they threw a party in the last week…….called stuart to the diary room halfway thro and booted him. class. :lol:
should be grt nxt week..double eviction tuesday an another one wednesday. remember the year they threw a party in the last week…….called stuart to the diary room halfway thro and booted him. class. :lol:
IM praying they do something equally as horrid to Rex!
he wont do that, well if he did it would be with a gun to his head.
he must think at this stage he is gonna be sooo popular!
i’ll give him an nicole a week once they get out. one look at the newspapers an she will be runnin home to mummy whilst he fooks off abroad and finds another hooker.
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