@~Pebbles~ wrote:
eating each others snot?? wtf!! tell me its not true :-…
and omg, has everyone heard the news about jade goody? shes apparantly just found out shes got cervical cancer and has had to fly home from the indian bb show.
I dont like the way its being reported how the news was broken to her… actually in the diary room by phone??? unfilmed (apparantly), surely her “people” should have got her the hell out of there to be with either her family or a close friend or agent or something.
Doesnt matter what you think of the girl, I hope she gets well, and it hasnt spread, she had a few unexplained “faints”, hope its not a sign of it being more advanced…
Anyway, back to BB, Im not looking at the screen even though I can hear it, cos I will chuck if someone mentions the word bogey, its just sick.